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I wake up slowly, my head pounding dully. I feel the back of my head, and there's gauze attached to it somehow. The pain fades a bit more as I slowly start to get ready. I'm alone in Ginny's room, bits of apple strewn about the floor.

I pull on the first jeans and shirt I can find, and pull on the longest socks I own. I sigh as I lift the bottom of my jeans and stow my wand away in my sock.

I fumble my way downstairs to find nobody at the breakfast table. I check the clock over the stove. "1:32 pm." I whisper to myself. Who let me sleep for so long?

I tiptoe towards the front door and peer out the window next to it. I see the old shed. Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione are sitting in a circle next to it. The rest of the Weasleys seem to be tending to the garden, picking through the snow looking for burrowing gnomes.

I try to read Hermione's expression, but my vision is still blurry. Harry seems to have his arm around her. Ron had his back to me. Ginny had her head in her hands.

I quietly open the door. Nobody even notices. I slink across the yard and get concealed in the weeds as I make my way to them. I hear Ron's voice first. 

"It's not like that. With Y/N, it can't be like that. She wouldn't feel that way."

I stop moving. But I do feel that way. I want to call out and say 'Ron, it is like that! I feel that way about you!' But due to risk of embarrassment, I listen on. Hermione's voice comes next. "But Ron... I know it. She'll never-"

"No, Hermione! You don't know her like I do! She knows exactly how to feel. And really I don't see why you should care."

What do I feel? Why shouldn't I care?

"Because she's my friend! I want her to-"

"Hermione, just stop it, okay! I know. But she'll understand. Come here, alright" Ron said. I watch as he leans forward. Hermione pulls away from Harry and her and Ron hug each other tightly. Harry and Ginny exchange a glance and walk towards the garden.

I close my eyes tell myself it's not what it looks like. They're not confessing their feelings to each other. They're not casting me aside. They must be talking about Draco. In some way. But I'm still so dizzy and out of it, I convince myself it's something different.

I feel an ache throughout my skull. I remembered how jealous Ron looked when we caught Hermione and Draco. It was always going to be Ron and Hermione. Ron said it himself, she was his first crush.

I hang my head a bit and wait for them to pull apart. I move out of the weeds and walk toward the shed. Hermione notices me first. 

"Oh, Y/N, you're awake!" she says and rushes over. "I am so sorry about how things went last night. Draco... he really messed up. He lashed out, just like he used to, and ran away before dealing with the consequences. Just like him. He really shouldn't have come, I tried to bring him back to apologize but we ended up fighting. I couldn't just-"

"Hermione, she's only just woken up. Give her a moment to recognize you." Ron chuckles and comes closer to us. "What are you doing out of bed? How are you feeling today, Y/N? Head feeling better?"

I look at the both of them and give them weak smiles. "I'm feeling okay. It hurts a bit." I have no idea what I'm supposed to say next. "Yeah. I think I'll go back inside now." I turn and make my way back to the house.

"Uh, hey, want someone to go with you?" Ron called. I couldn't help it, but a lump started forming in my throat. I glance back at him.

"That's okay, thanks. I'll see you later." I try to smile but just keep walking away. My head feels tight. My brain feels small. Hermione appears next to me.

"Y/N, I just really want to apologize, please hear what I have to say-"

"Hermione, I totally hear you. I accept your apology. Who am I to stop you from what you want to do?" I say absently. Mostly because the pain in my head was flaring up like crazy.

"Y/N, I really feel like there's more I should tell you." Hermione insisted.

"Maybe later..." I say, and leave her standing in the weeds.

I push through the door back into the Burrow, and my head immediately begins spinning. The room around me teeter totters, and I grip the kitchen counter for balance. 

"Hey, you alright?" Someone asks from faraway. A few moments later, I'm being carried into the living room and lain on the couch. I blink a couple times before making out two identical figures sitting in front of me.

"Fred. George." I mumble, before being overcome with nausea and falling back onto the couch.

I hear two voices, then just one, then a few more. Hours pass. Or a few minutes. How hard did I hit my head? Mrs. Weasley stands above me, furiously opening a parcel. I get flipped onto my stomach, and out of the blue, a million nails get stabbed into the back of my head. I cry out, let out a loud scream, but suddenly the pain is gone. I breathe deeply and sit straight up, my fingers grazing my healed skull.

"You alright there, girl?" Mr. Weasley asks from my left. I slowly turn to face him.

"Yeah... yes, thank you. What was it that..." I feel my head again.

"Oh, I sent an owl for madame Pomfrey last night. She had just the solution and responded right away, thankfully she doesn't live too far, now you may feel a bit dizzy..." Mrs. Weasley explained. 

The front door opened and Ron came in. "Heard a scream? What's going on? Whats happened to her?" He came in and stood next to his mother. Hermione sat directly to my right, and I notice her silently shush Ron.

It was this moment I realized the whole Weasley family was in the living room, staring at me. My face flushed. I had just screamed in front of people I hardly knew. I flinched and stood up a little to quickly. My head rushed but I ignored it and started walking out. 

"Thanks, everyone, thank you so much. I feel better, sorry about that. I'll just go rest." I stammered, smiled at Mrs. Weasley, and hurried towards the stairs.

"Oh Ronald, do make sure she makes it up the stairs alright. They are a bit crooked as you know." I hear her say.

No way, I cannot deal with Ron right now. To many mixed feelings. I take a few quick steps, but immediately stumble. I feel a hand rush to my back, and another to my arm.

"Take it easy, alright." Ron says in my ear and guides me up the stairs.

"Ron, I really don't..." I'm not sure exactly what I was going to say. I lose the energy to speak. I sigh and succumb to Ron's help.

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now