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I wore a deep blue dress, the best one I could find. It stopped just above my knees, and showed just enough cleavage where it wasn't embarrassing, but was classy. Classy cleavage. 

I hurried back down the stairs, to see a few wizards from the ministry milling about the newly cleaned kitchen. I make my way through to the living room, and hear hushed voices from behind the cabinet.

"Are they going to?"

"I think they should, I feel bad just-"

"I know, but she asked us not to."

"Harry? Ginny?" I ask. The two quickly snap out of their quiet conversation and look at me. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Nothing important, Y/N." Harry says, and focuses on someone behind me. "Hey, there's Ron!"

I turn slightly as Ron comes to a stop next to me. "Alright, guys?" He asks.

"I reckon these two have got a secret," I mumble to him. He smirks down at me before closing in on Harry and Ginny.

"You two have a secret, then?" He teases. The two of them exchange glances before walking away.

"Piss off, Ron." Ginny sticks her tongue out before disappearing into the crowd with Harry.

"What do you think that's all about?" I ask Ron as the two of us take Harry and Ginny's place behind the cabinet.

"Beats me. But I heard from Fred and George that the two of them have got a little 'thing' going on." He said mockingly. I nod.

"Same. They were planning on pranking Harry for it, by- shit!" My expression turns panicked as I remember the plan. "I've got to help them!"

Ron looks startled. "Fred and George? With what?"

I look him up and down and take his hand. "Come on, then." 

I rush up the stairs to the twins room, towing Ron along. I do the secret knock on the door that Fred insisted on having, and burst into the room. We're greeted by a grinning pair of twins.

"You've brought our ickle Ronnykins!" George said enthusiastically, earning a groan from Ron. "Great, you'll love this, Ronny."

Fred held up a small paper bag, the size of his head, and waved it in my face. "It's perfect." He said triumphantly, as I grabbed it out of his hands.

"What exactly are you planning on doing?" Ron asked, taking the bag from me.

"Funny you should ask, Ron-" George said, snatching the bag from him. "What we've got here-"

"Is our brand new, top secret recipe." Fred continued, swiping the bag from his twin. "a puking pastille 2.0, you could say."

"And we-" I said, reclaiming the bag, and hiding it behind my back, "have a very important job to do."

"What Y/N here is doing, now with a little help from Ronny, is putting our new recipe to the test." Fred smirks.

"And we've got just the perfect subject to test it on. I spotted him from the window just before you arrived in our room." George adds, pointing a thumb behind him out the window.

Ron looked puzzled and turned to me. "You're gonna slip someone one of my brother's Wizard Wheezes?"

"Hey, I at least convinced them not to slip it to Harry." I say almost helplessly.

"That stuff won't make him puke, but it'll make him smell like it! The stench'll be stuck in his nose all night!" Fred explains.

"Let me get this straight. You're gonna poison one of dad's coworkers?" Ron turns to his brothers. "Can I ask you to reconsider?"

"Oh but Ronny, it's not one of Daddy's work friends!" Fred hints.

"Think, who is the one person at the party that you'd love to see humiliated?" George sings.

Ron raises his eyebrows. "You're gonna slip it to..."

"Malfoy," The twins and I say in unison. Ron's mouth slowly turns to a smirk, and I feel a rush of excitement.

"I guess we could help you out this one time." Ron mutters, wiping his mouth. "But how are we supposed to get him to take it? I don't really picture Malfoy reaching for sweets."

"That's where our brilliant associate comes in." Fred gestures to me. "Tell Ron the genius idea you had."

I shake my head. "Not brilliant. Probably the most obvious solution." I turn to look at Ron. "Even I know that Draco Malfoy has a favorite snack. And knowing him, it's the only food he'd think to touch at the filthy Weasley house." I reach into the paper bag and pull out a large crisp green apple, a light and unnoticeable puking pastille glaze covering it.

Ron sticks his tongue in his bottom lip for a moment and flashes a grin. "I'll have to agree with Fred on this one." He says, and looks in my eyes. "You are quite brilliant."

I drop the apple back into the bag without breaking eye contact with Ron. That nervous, uneasy feeling comes back. What was that feeling?

"Off you go then. We'll sneak down after you to see the results." George winked.

I shake out of my daze and hurry down the stairs with Ron at my heels. 

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now