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I leave Fred and George giggling in their room, working out their new plan. I climb up another set of stairs before reaching Ginny's room. I hesitate outside the door for a moment. Sure, this crush on Hermione had been lingering for almost 3 years. But was it time to give up? Was Harry right? Would it ruin our friendship? Or, whatever our relationship was. Sometimes it felt like Hermione hardly knew my name.

I try to imagine what would happen if I really did confess my feelings. What would I say? How would I say it? What even are these feelings? I throw my head back and let out a soft groan before knocking gently on the door.

I slowly push it open to see both Hermione and Ginny asleep. There were two beds in the room, one with Hermione and one with Ginny. I shut the door behind me and my heartbeat quickens. I was exhausted, so ready to just lie down and fall asleep that in any other circumstance I would've just crashed in the nearest bed. But I was stuck. Ginny is my best friend, it wouldn't be awkward at all to sleep in a bed with her. Then again, Ginny kicks in her sleep. Hermione, however, looked so peaceful and beautiful. Sure, I wasn't quite as close with her, but I knew she would at least stick to her side of the bed. Not to mention the fact that I would be sleeping in the same bed as my crush.

I bit my lip and stepped forward. Sleeping in the same bed as Hermione would be a little weird, right? Hermione doesn't know that I have a crush on her, so it may be a little stalkerish to lay down next to her. 

But was it so wrong? I just wanted to be next to her. Hermione was never relaxed, but seeing her asleep made her look so calm and at peace. It was nice, to see Hermione like that. It really humanized her.

Hermione had always been extremely intimidating at school. She was top of the class every year, and she always seemed to be the cleverest out of all our friends when it came to coming up with excuses. She was always at work, moving from one task to the next, working on homework, or finishing assignments that I hadn't even started. She was like a superhero, a genius, and she did it all while looking amazing. I do well in school, I'm fairly clever, but could never match up to Hermione. She was impossible to keep up with.

Maybe that's what I like about her. She knows how to do everything, and handles it all at a superhuman level. Or so I thought. I'm only ever amazed by her, maybe I never paid attention to her faults. What did Harry say earlier? 'There are plenty of things wrong with Hermione.'

But that didn't seem to matter right now. All I could think about what how peaceful she looked when she slept. It made me smile. I didn't feel as nervous anymore. She was just a person, a friend, asleep. 

"Y/N?" I jumped as Ginny broke the silence. I look over to see Ginny groggily sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "You aright?"

"Yeah, yes, I'm fine." I whispered back. "I was just with Ron and Harry and lost track of time." I decide not to mention my conversation with Fred and George.

"Alright..." Ginny said. "Well, go to sleep then," She ordered, and pressed herself against the wall. So I don't have to make the decision after all. Ginny made room for me in her bed, it'd be strange to go to Hermione's now. I nod and climb in next to Ginny. I lay so I face her, and she smiles at me.

"Y/N. Hello." She says.

"Fancy seeing you here, Ginny," I giggle back. Ginny blinks her sleepy eyes at me, and her smile falters.

"Y/N... do you have feelings for Hermione?" Ginny whispers. And there it is. Of course Ginny knows, before I could even tell her.

"A bit, yeah." I mumble back to her. Ginny nods slightly and tries to widen her eyes.

"I think-" She pauses to yawn. "I think you don't know her well enough." Ginny says quietly, glancing over my head to peer at Hermione.

"What? What do you mean?" I ask, trying to keep quiet.

Ginny licks her lips as she tries to put together an answer. "I just don't know... If you really know her well enough, I guess. There's a lot more to Hermione than her books. And her looks." 

I shake my head. "Honestly Ginny, just hush and go to sleep." I flip around so we're no longer facing each other. "Lecture me tomorrow."

"I'm not lecturing you, Y/N. I think you should get closer with her. Really try to feel out if the crush will go somewhere." Ginny finishes sleepily, before her soft snores take over.

I scrunch my face up. Ginny and Harry might make a good couple after all.

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now