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I wake up to early morning sunlight ever so slightly creeping through the curtains. I look around, trying to register whose room I'm in. I grab for the Chudley Cannons water bottle on the nightstand by my head and chug it's contents. 

I sit up, feeling almost normal again. I really don't know if I just had a concussion or some kind of crazy magical injury. But, at least I couldn't feel it anymore. I stood up no problem and made my way up to Ginny's room. Her and Hermione were asleep still, in the same bed this time. I carefully move past them, get dressed, put my wand in my sock, which I can't remember the reason why I do that anymore. I leave the room, brush my teeth, and head outside. It must've been about 6 in the morning, just before Molly should be waking up. I walk through the weeds to the old shed.

After sitting outside it a few times, I realize I've never really seen the inside. I look around, jiggle the handle, push, and the door swings open. Inside, are a few old broomsticks, random muggle tools and knick knacks, and an old dusty trunk with a broken latch.

I sit down on the floor of the shed and rummage through some of Mr. Weasley's old muggle treasures. Bath toys, dolls, comic books, metal straws, and what looked like a piano pedal. I must've spent hours flipping through the comic books before someone finally found me.

"Y/N, we've been looking for you!" Harry exclaimed gratefully. He walked into the shed and looked around. "How long have you been in here?"

"Honestly I'm not sure. I woke up, it was early, and I came down here. What time is it?"

"It'd be nearly 11 by now. You didn't miss breakfast though, the Weasleys skip it and make a huge lunch on Christmas."

"Christmas? Merlin's Beard, is that today?"

"Yeah, Y/N, I reckon it is." Harry laughed a bit and knelt down next to me. "My cousin used to read those comics. When he threw them out, I'd swipe them from the trash can and read them myself."

"That Dudley kid sounds like a right pig." I mutter and toss the comic books back into the pile.

"You have no idea." Harry grins. "Come on, now. We've gotta help set the table, and then we'll be opening presents."

Harry stands and offers his hand to me. I take it and together we walk out of the shed. 

"Harry," I start, "I can't really remember what happened yesterday."

Harry nodded. "Your head was all screwy. Ron said he put you in his room, and Hermione talked to you for a bit. You don't remember any of that?"

I thought back to yesterday. I had a flash of Hermione and Ron hugging by the shed, Ron carrying me somewhere, a flash of Ron's smile, a gleam in Hermione's eye, something soft on my cheek.

"Bits and pieces," I say, "odds and ends." Harry nods and puts his arm around my shoulders. I walk back into the Burrow, and 7 different voices talk at me at once.

"There you are dear, where did you-"

"Did you go in the shed? What do you think of my-"

"See, I told you not to worry, she didn't wander-"

"Check 'er 'ead! 'Ow is 'er 'ead! Zat-"

"Thought you were a goner, we did-"

"Cheer up Fred, only mum thought that-"

"Hermione had to replace you in my bed last night-"

I laugh nervously at all the attention, but Harry just quickly says something to Mrs. Weasley and directs me to the living room. We both flop next to each other on the couch, just for one moment of relaxing before we get put to work.

Sure enough, Mr. Weasley pats us both on the backs and sends us off to set the table. I chat with Ginny and Harry, greet Hermione, who seems a bit nervous around me now, and help Bill and Fleur wrap some last minute gifts. 

As we all sit down for lunch, Ron rushes in at the last moment. The last open seat is across the table from me, so he reluctantly pulls out the chair and sits down. I meet his eyes and he gives me a goofy smirk. 

The meal is like any other Weasley meal, but everyone is a bit more jovial and even more hungry. Everyone shares old Christmas stories, Fred and George reveal they've carved the Christmas ham into a phallic shape, arguments break out all across the table, and I enjoy the best Christmas meal I've ever had.

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now