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Snape snatched the scroll out of my hand and shooed me away. I rush out of the classroom to catch up with Harry and Ron. 

"About time you were finished!" Ron exclaimed. "Can't believe I turned my essay in before you."

"No harm in triple checking your work," I reply with a smile, and the three of us make our way to the Great Hall.

"You sound like Hermione," Harry says jokingly. Both Ron and I awkwardly begin to fiddle with our robes. Harry is none the wiser. "I'm just glad the term is over. Thanks again, Ron, for letting me stay with you over the holiday."

"Course, Harry. We wouldn't let you spend Christmas with the Dursley's." Ron says, relieved for the change of subject. We find our seats at the Gryffindor table, sitting across from Ginny and Hermione. "What about you Y/N?" Ron asks me as we settle in.

"What about me?" I ask as I fill up my plate. Ginny turns to join the conversation.

"I mean, what're your plans for the holiday?" Ron asks as he bites into a drumstick. I pause for a moment before looking over at him.

"Have I not told you?" He shakes his head. "I was just going to stay at Hogwarts this year. My parents won't be around." I say, and all of their faces drop. Ginny and Ron raise their eyebrows at each other.

"You can't be alone on Christmas!" Harry exclaims. "I've been there, and it's not the most pleasant feeling to be lonely during the holidays." 

"Come spend Christmas at the Burrow!" Ginny orders. "I would've asked sooner but I assumed you were going home." I smile and begin to shovel a spoonful of pudding into my mouth.

"Yes, Y/N! I'll be there too!" Hermione chimes in. As I look up at her, I unknowingly shove the spoon much deeper into my mouth than I intended to. I choke and spit the pudding back out, and some dribbles down my chin down to my robes. 

"Oh, oops," I mutter, and throw the spoon down onto my plate. Ron quickly places a napkin over my mouth, to help clean the pudding, but only ends up smearing it on my cheek.

"Oh, sorry-you just got a bit-" Ron stutters, and removes his hand. He quickly grabs another napkin but places it delicately in front of me this time. I wipe up the pudding from my face and clear my throat. Harry stifles a laugh.

"Okay... what do you say?" Ginny asks again. "Come on and stay at the Burrow. Mum won't mind at all." Ron looks over and nods in agreement. 

"I've always wanted you to come over for holiday! You'll love Mum's cooking." Ron urges. I can't help but smile at the two of them. I glance at Harry and Hermione, who look at me expectantly. My heart skips a beat as Hermione reaches out her hand.

"It'll be nice to have another girl there!" She says, grabbing my hand and smiling. I raise my eyebrows slightly and look at Ginny, who is smirking for some reason.

"I would love to! I've always wanted to try your Mum's cooking anyway!" I manage to say. Hermione pulls away to clap, and I nervously use my empty hand to grab the spoon again.

Ron very subtly takes the spoon out of my hand, to prevent another pudding fiasco. "Brilliant. She's been making you sweaters for years, and now she'll finally get to see your face when you open it," Ron leans in, "so really put on a show." The five of us laugh and continue wolfing down our feast, planning activities for the holiday. 

The conversation is light and merry, and I look across at Hermione. She chuckles as Ginny rants on about Fred and George's annual Christmas pranks, before something catches her eye behind me. Hermione's expression darkens, and she nudges Ginny. I turn around to see Draco Malfoy, standing right behind me.

"Oh, don't let me spoil the fun." Draco says, with mock sympathy. Ron and Harry turn around as well to glare at the bleach blonde brat. 

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry sighs out, and stands to be at equal level with Draco.

"Potter, I'm not here to fight with you, so you can go back to your truffles." Draco waves him off and turns to Ron. "Just thought I'd let you know I'll be making a stop at the Weasley residence over the holiday. Your father was kind enough to invite some ministry workers over for a Christmas party, my father included. I'll be tagging along to join the fun." He smirks and puts his hands in his trouser pockets.

"Come on Malfoy. My dad doesn't want anything to do with yours." Ron retorts, but his ears begin to redden.

"No? Alright then. I suppose the party may be a bit awkward, keeping that in mind." Draco replies coolly, before chuckling. "It'll be fascinating to see how you live. And I'll be excited to see all my school chums there as well." He glances at each of us, his gaze lingering on Hermione. "See you there, Granger."

With that, he turned away and left the Great Hall. I watch as he disappears into the dark hallways, and turn to look at Hermione. She appears red in the face, but I can't tell why exactly.

"What was that all about!" Ginny steams. She turns to Hermione. "Why'd he say your name like that?"

Hermione widened her eyes. "I haven't the faintest idea." She says quickly, and stands up. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to start packing." She whisked up her books and scurried off. The rest of us look at each other quizzically.

"What's her deal?" Ron mutters to me, before turning back to his dinner. I do the same, and mine and Ron's eyes meet for just a moment. Harry and Ginny shrug at each other before each taking another sip of pumpkin juice. 

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now