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The train arrived past dinnertime, so after a very welcome greeting from Mrs. Weasley, she ordered us all to bed. Once I can hear her snoring, I secretly sneak to Ron's room, where he and Harry are pretending to get ready for bed. 

"Ron, your house is amazing!" I say as I shut the bedroom door behind me. Ron blushes and shakes his head, but Harry playfully pushes him.

"That's what I always say! Ron seems embarrassed by it but I can't for the life of me figure out why." He says to me. Ron rolls his eyes.

"It's not much at all. It can barely stand on it's own." He says before laying back on his bed. Harry and I exchange a knowing look. Ron was always embarrassed because his family didn't have much money, but he didn't realize that the Burrow wasn't wonderful because it was an expensive house, it was because it was so cozy and magical. 

"It's really a place you can call home." I say, and sit down on the bed beside Ron's legs. Harry sits on the floor and leans against the wall across from us. 

"I'm glad you're here, Y/N, now our backyard Quidditch games are more evenly matched." Harry says. "Normally, only 5 of us play so it's hard to divvy up the teams."

"Which 5 of you play?" I ask.

"Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, and I." Harry answers. "We pretend like the snitch doesn't exist, sadly, so I have to play as a beater. Ron and Ginny are Keepers, and the twins and I just kind of beat each other up." I laugh before looking over at Ron.

"So Hermione opts out?" I ask casually. 

Harry nods. "You know how she is. Sometimes she watches, but mostly she finds someplace to read. But you'll help me out, right? You take Fred, I'll take George."

"I'll tell you right now, Harry, I won't be able to tell them apart while we're flying in the air." I tease, earning a slight nose exhale from Ron.

"Alright then, you take whichever twin is trying to throw a bludger at you."

"Fair enough."

The three of us stay up a bit later, talking about how Quidditch works when you've only got three to a team. It doesn't work too well, in summation. 

"It's getting a bit late, maybe I should head to bed." I finally decide.

"Which room are you staying in?" Ron asks.

"With Ginny."

"Ah, Hermione'll be in there as well."

I freeze. I hadn't really considered that before. Ron raises his eyebrows. "Did you not realize?" He asks in a hushed tone.

"Didn't even cross my mind." I say flatly as Ron and look at each other nervously.

Harry steps in between the two of us. "Have I missed something? What's wrong with Hermione?" He asks, looking back and forth between the both of us.

"Oh nothings wrong with her," I sigh and hit my head against the wall. "That's the problem."

"Uh, Y/N?" Harry leans in beside me and pulls me away from the wall by my shoulders. "I could name a few things wrong with Hermione. Got something to tell me?"

I look at Ron, and he sighs before cutting in. "Both Y/N and me are, uh, we both have, uh...Hermione is, to us, how, like... Both of us seem to..." Ron looks back at me helplessly. 

I groan and look at Harry. "I fancy Hermione. And so does Ron." Harry's eyes widen and he opens his mouth, but I add one more thing before he can answer. "And Dean wasn't my beard. I like boys as well."

"Oh, okay." Harry nodded, before his eyes widened again. "You fancy Hermione?" He asked. "I mean, I suppose it makes sense. The whole pudding incident."

"Alright, Potter, shut it." I mumble before collapsing back onto the bed beside Ron. 

"And you as well?" Harry looked to Ron. He tightened his eyes shut and nodded. Harry sighed and collapsed beside us. The three of us sat for a moment together on the bed before Harry looked over.

"What are you going to do about it?" He asked, not specifically directing the question at either of us. I look over at Ron, whose still got his eyes shut. A human ball of stress, that boy.

I hadn't really planned on doing anything about it, but the way Harry asked the question made me reconsider my options.

"What do you think we should do?" I ask Harry. He wasn't the best with romantic advice, but he was pretty wise. Harry pressed his lips together and patted my cheek.

"Y/N, can I be truthful?" Before I could answer, he continued. "I don't think you and Hermione would work out."

"Whoa, come on Potter!" I protest. He raised his hands defensively.

"I'm just saying. I'm not an expert on relationships, but I don't see Hermione with you. You don't even really know her. And... You're too alike." He said, slapping his hands down onto his legs. Ron sat up and furrowed his brow.

"And don't get me started on you, Ron." Harry added. Ron did a slight double take and looked up at his friend. "Now YOU and Hermione are too different. Same problem, opposite reasons."

"Oi, calm it now, mate." Ron sputtered and laid back down. I bit my bottom lip and felt my face redden. 

"So what are you saying, Harry?" I ask. Harry looks at the two of us and then gets up to set up his own bed.

"I understand both of you having a crush on Hermione. But I think you might have to leave it at that, just a crush." He says. "I really don't mean to be harsh, but just take it into consideration. Neither of you should, I don't know, put your friendship at risk."

I turn to Ron, ready to say 'can you believe this guy?' but instead find him nodding begrudgingly. "That's what I said when I told Y/N. She's too good of a friend. It's just difficult to get over when she's sleeping right upstairs in my house." Ron sighs before getting comfortable.

I get up from the bed and help Ron readjust his covers. I turn to Harry to find him already looking at me. He's got a strange look in his eye. Guilt? Pity? Whatever it is, it's making me angry. "Look, Y/N, just trust me. Don't pine after her," He says.

I squint at him. How dare he just order me around like that. My frustration bubbles up and out of my mouth. "Who are you to tell me how to feel? Stay out of my business, Harry." I spit at him angrily before leaving the room.

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now