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I nearly fell back asleep. My conversation with Luna felt like a dream. Ron came up the stairs shortly after, holding a few bags of ice. "Your head feel alright?" He asked, setting the ice on the step next to me.

"Oh, my head has had better days, I suppose," I say, "I'm apparently infested with wrackspurts." 

Ron chuckled and stepped into the bathroom. I listened to him run the water for a bit, and return to me with a bucket of water and a rag. "Luna got to you did she?" He gently pushed me back against the stairs, as I unknowingly started to fall forward.

"Maybe. But you know, I quite like Luna. She's a very good friend." I say, remembering how sweet she was while we were together. Not just when we were dating, but whenever she spoke to me. 

"Yeah, I mean, we all like Luna. She's cool." Ron smiled and peered at the back of my head. "She's rubbish at cleaning up blood, though."

"She's better with bruises." I say, smiling up at him. 

Ron dips the rag into the bucket and pulls it out. I watch his arms as he wrings out the towel, water droplets flicking onto his dress shirt. 

Why is he wearing a dress shirt? Why am I bleeding?

Ron carefully pushes my back against the staircase, so I'm nearly laying down. He holds my knees and gently pushes my legs apart, making room between them for him. He places a knee on the step between my legs, and places his other foot on a step below. Ron and I are chest to chest now, him pretty much laying on top of me. He reaches for my head, but loses his balance a little. He gets off me and laughs uncomfortably.

"I didn't mean to...It's hard to get it at the right angle," He claims, and moves to instead sit next to me on the steps. I scoot closer to him, and he places my legs over his thighs. He avoids eye contact, so I close my eyes to make it easier. He places one hand beneath my jaw to keep my head steady, his fingers spread across my jawline and neck. He holds the rag in his other hand and reaches around me with it. He takes a breath and begins to press it to the back of my head. The pressure on the wound forces my eyes open, and I find myself looking directly at Ron's mouth.

"Ron, I'm starting to forget why exactly I have a gash in my head." I say. He turns down his chin and meets my eyes for a moment.

"Malfoy." He grumbled. "He stunned you, and disaperated. The git. Hermione ran out, dunno where she's gone."

The memory flooded back. Hermione and Draco, kissing. Who knows what would have happened if we hadn't have walked in...

Ron's face... I remember how angry Ron was. It had to have been jealousy. My head throbbed. Ron must still have feelings for Hermione. My Ron, and my Hermione.

I push my legs off of Ron's and he looks taken aback. "Y/N, did I do something wrong? Did I press too hard?"

I shake my head and take the rag from his hands. "I think I'll just go lay down now."

Before he answers, I stumble up the stairs back to Ginny's room. I collapse onto Ginny's bed, surprised to find her already laying there.

"Hey, Y/N." She whispers. I groan back and tuck the rag under my head. "My mum'll be able to fix that. Once you fall asleep, she'll come patch it up."

"Arrghhhhghhhrrrr." I reply.

"Okay." Ginny says. I feel her get up from the bed, but she lingers at my side. "Y/N?"

I muster the energy to answer. "Yeah, Ginny?" 

"Me and Harry... We didn't tell you about Draco and Hermione because she asked us not to. Hermione knew you'd react this way. I mean, Harry reacted badly too when he first found out... But then we talked to Luna."

I laugh, but in a pained, strangled kind of way. "'M not mad at you."

"I expect she told you the same thing she told us, more or less. It's kind of funny actually, I don't think Hermione or Draco even realize that Luna knows."

I feel myself start to drift off. All of this can be dealt with in the morning. After a really long sleep.

"I just wish I knew where they went. I'm sure they're meeting each other, she's got to know where to find him. She's the only one that knows how to talk to him, I think. She's just smart enough to tell him when he's full of shit."

I stir a bit at that. "Hermione... is she gonna be okay? Where'd she go?"

Ginny kneels closer to me. "She's gonna be okay. I'm preoccupied being worried about you right now." She paused. "When you saw Hermione and Draco... what did that feel like?"

I shifted my head a bit. "I dunno. I was mad Draco was prancing about our stuff. He's always been a- snot nosed-a little-a bratty..." I slowly trail off. Ginny rests her hand on my forehead for a minute before leaving. I drift off again, to the same dream. Picking up where I left off. The wrackspurts consume me.

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now