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Ron guides me to the nearest room, the one only two flights up, his own. I wince at the excessive Chudley Cannons merchandise, the bright orange color not doing any favors for my migraine. Ron grumbled multiple apologies, kicking clothes out of the way to clear a path to his bed. He helped me lay down and fixed the blankets around me. I watched through half lidded eyes as he moved around his room, closing his blinds and turning out the lights, trying to make it easier on the eyes for me. He grabbed an empty water bottle, with a Chudley Cannon emblazoned on the front of it, and brought it over the the nightstand next to me. He slipped out his wand from his sock, pointed into the bottle, and muttered "Aguamente," as quiet as he could. 

He made sure the water bottle was as close to me as possible, and kneeled down to be at my eye level. "You just rest in here until you feel strong again, alright? I'll make sure Harry doesn't come barging in." He chuckles quietly. I can't help but smile a little back. He was really trying his best to make sure I was comfortable. I always liked when this side of Ron came out, his soft, protective kind of side.

He lingered for a moment, looking into my eyes. Just as he started to stand up, I blurt "Hermione is so lucky." 

Ron pauses and kneels lower again. "What do you mean, Y/N?" He asked in the same quiet voice. I sit up a bit and take a sip of water.

"You were so jealous, when we saw her with Draco. So jealous, Ron," I hardly realize Ron is in the room with me, but his eyes widen when I say it.

"Y/N, honestly, I wasn't. I don't have feelings for Hermione anymore. I... The reason I was so angry is because it was Malfoy, you've got to understand. Him, standing in my house... The things he's said to my family, that way he's always thought muggleborns are scum, and that includes Hermione. And you. But, I've spoken to Hermione. She'll be wanting to talk with you as well, and I think that Malfoy and her-"

I can barely understand him. "You're so sweet. Look what you did for me. Hermione is so lucky." I mumble lazily, only half aware of what I'm saying. What exactly was in that stuff Madame Pomfrey gave me?

Ron looked confused. "Y/N, I really didn't do much. I just want you to feel better..." He started to get up, but hesitated. 

"And, if you think about it, why would Hermione be the lucky one? You're the one I'm doing it for." He whispered. Ron gently pats the bed, stands up, and walks out of the room. 

A few minutes pass before Hermione comes into the room. Her hair is wet, her curls looking slick and defined. She must have just had a shower.

"Hermione," I say, with a smile. "I was just talking about you."

Hermione raised one eyebrow before slowly sitting down on my bedside. Ron's bedside.

"Y/N. I know this might not be the best time," She whispered. "But what Draco's done... I can't forgive him. I won't be... seeing him anymore. You've helped me realize what I should do. Seeing you get hurt, I couldn't deal with it."

I blink at her. She studies me. I've spent a lot of time studying her, but this is the first time I don't just see 'Pretty, focused, smart'. Hermione's eyes are saying something else. I can see past my feelings for her. They may as well be gone. Hermione's just done what you're supposed to do for a friend. Someone you care about. 

Hermione was my friend. But something was still lingering.

"Hermione, I care a lot about you." I whisper. Hermione nods, and mouths me too. I look into her eyes, and make a decision. Maybe not the most sober decision, but I'm already asking before I can rethink.

"Hermione, would you kiss me?"

Hermione freezes. She looks through me, looking for what the hell prompted that. She turns to face me a bit bitter. I wait for her response.

"Y/N. I don't think I can do that."

I feel myself smile crookedly. "Tell me why."

"Well, for starters, I'm not going to kiss someone who isn't sober." She shakes her head for a moment and then refocuses on my eyes. "And... I couldn't do that. There's someone else."

I almost laugh, but my head starts buzzing. "Draco?"

Hermione blushes. "Oh, no, that's not what I meant. I meant..."

I sigh. "Ron."

Hermione smiles. "Yeah, Y/N. Ron." 

A wave a nausea falls over me again. "I knew it. I saw you, just before. Luna's right, I need to let go. Of everyone."

Hermione's face goes through a million different expressions in the span of a few seconds. The best way to describe her was probably, a deer caught in headlights, but the driver of the car was another deer. Or something like that, bewilderment. 

Yeah, this stuff madame Pomfrey gave me is really messing with my head.

"Y/N, I don't know what you mean. But, look. Ron... Ron will be right downstairs waiting for you when you wake up." Hermione said slowly. 

She exhaled and put a hand under my chin. She bent over me, gently, and planted a kiss on my cheek just above the corner of my mouth.

She pulled away, brushed some hair out of my face, and left the room. 

A long time passes before I fall asleep again.

Versions// Ron Weasley X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now