Chapter 15

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He saw her running towards her room as he follows her with long striders, she ran up the stairs taking two at a time and he cursed to himself and ran behind her. She turned the doorknob of her room but couldn’t open it so she turned around and opened his room. He reached to her just in time to stop her closing the door. He pushed open it, making her stumble backward. He locked the door so she couldn’t escape.

“Wait, you can’t do this ok?”

“I don’t want to…… you should respect my wishes too...”

“I can’t do what sweetheart?”

He said with a devilish smirk as he advances towards her, blocking her way to the opposite side of the bed.

He saw her jumping on the bed to get on the other side and grabbed her foot as he lunged forward. His actions made her loose her balance and she slammed on bed with a thud. Before she could revive from her shock he twisted her legs, turning her around and blocked her legs with his body.

She struggled against him, sending delicious sensations through his body and then she freed her legs and started hitting and kicking him. He groaned as her kicks and punches landed on his body.  He grabbed her both hands and locked them above her head and placed his legs on sides of her and almost sitting on her lap.  She stared at him in disbelieve and stuttered……

“You….you…you..Beast…ho...How can you sit on me…. Get off... Now... You will not kiss me ok… I won’t let you…”

“What are you talking about sweetheart I was talking about this...”

With that he tickled her little making her shriek and laugh. She had a very melodious laugh; he felt that he could hear her laugh forever.

“I was talking about this honey, what were you thinking?”

He asked very innocently as she glared at him. He chuckled a bit and tickled her harder.  She shrieked and laughed harder as she tried to stop him.

“St….. Stop…. Ple……plea….please…”

She said in between her fits of laughter then she grabbed his both hand and shoved it to her sides making him loose his balance. He suddenly lost his balance and bent forward, he steadied himself before he would crush her, but now they were mere inches apart.  He could smell her warm breath on his face as he stared in her eyes. He saw the shock in her eyes as she realize how close they were then that shock turned into desire as her gaze fell on his lip. He knew what she was thinking; he himself was aching for her kiss for so long. When she came for dinner yesterday all night he was restraining himself from throwing her on the table and ravish her and when they slept together last night he needed to spend hours in a cold shower and he felt like strangling her when he realized  she don’t remember any of it.  

He saw a silent plea in her eyes as she lifted her gaze and met with his. He wouldn’t give it to her so easily, last time when they were burning with fire she had slapped him in the end, this time it won’t be so easy. He bent his head and breathed against her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of hers, he hear her gasp when he nuzzled near the sensitive spot of her ear.

“I like the way your mind works Nisha, it’s such a turn on.”

He whispered seductively in her ear, and kissed the spot near there. She grabbed his shirt as she took a sudden intake of air, showing him how much he was affecting her. He showered the butterfly kisses on her neck and sucked her sensitive spot near the throbbing pulse as his hands roamed on her curves. She gasped and moaned, arching her neck to give him a better access as she laced her fingers through his hairs. He was kissed her further down on her collarbone and travelled down on the slop of her breast. She gasped loudly and pulled his hair making him come to face to face with her. He saw the burning fire in her eyes.

“Say it darling and I’ll give you everything you want.”

He said in husky voice as he saw the blush creeping up on her cheeks. He started to pull way when she didn’t speak anything but then she pulled him towards herself and said,

“No...Wait… ki… kiss me.”

He didn’t need any other encouragement and bent his head and kissed her, slowly at first then hungrily deepening the kiss as he was starving for it. God he missed her so much, her taste, her soft skin. She moaned with pleasure when he pressed his hard body against her belly. She pulled him and angled her mouth to give him a better access; she arched her back as his hands travelled inside her T-shirt leaving the as they travelled on her bare skin.  He heard her groaned in frustration when he broke the kiss and his hands left her body but gasped as he started stroking the sensitive area of her inner thigh and his kisses on her neck and on slop of her breast made her go wild in his arms. She truly was a fireball and she was his, he couldn’t even think about another man touching her like this.

“Nick…. Stop…. Don’t do that….oh god… please we can’t...”

She stuttered as he touched her feminine core.

“Yes we can honey… we are getting married soon...”

“No… stop Nick please… I can’t do this…”

He groaned with a frustration and removed his hands from her body. God he now definitely need ice shower. He suddenly feels rejected and angry. He gets of the bed and stared at her angrily as she got up and started tying her long hairs in that same ugly bun.

“What the hell Nisha, what are you trying to do? Are playing games with me. Hard to get and all.”

“No nick I’m sorry I can’t do this now, I mean not yet. I don’t deny the attraction we have but please try to understand that I can’t.”

“And why the hell is that?”

“We are not married yet.”


 This girl was definitely getting on his nerves now.

“I’m an old school type of girl Nick.”


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