Chapter 35

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hello guys.....please don't kill me. i know i am pathetically late for this update and i am truly sorry but i had some issues with my computer and wattpad and also had a lot of work in college before my finals. so to answer many questions yes i am going to complete this story before march as i am entering in your story india contest so plz vote on all the chaps. and i request you all that if you have not voted for any previous chaps plz go back and do. i am also planning on creating a page of BIB on facebook , i will share the link here so all of you can join. so i wont take much time and here is the next chap plz enjoy,vote share and comment.


Later that morning, Nisha was sitting at their kitchen table while Nick was cooking them a breakfast. She couldn't seem take her eyes off him, he was still shirtless despite of her efforts to convince him to put on one, he choose otherwise and now standing in the kitchen in his black trousers and an apron he looked smoking hot. She crossed her legs uncomfortably as she was still in his white shirt. Nick had decided to act stubborn and when she tried to walk in her room to change he picked her up in bridal style and took her in kitchen.

She was now feeling at peace as she had told him one of her deepest secret. She was happy that he was supportive and understanding about the entire situation, yet he was treating her as if she was made up of glass. She knew he had grown to care for her, she wished if she could reciprocate his feelings. There were many things he still don't know about her and will never know. Her past has damage her in a way she could never mend but she won't let anything hurt him especially after what he has been through.

When she recalled what Nick has told her about his father's decision and its consequences she felt something was fishy, something was not adding up in a story, especially after what she knew about Charles past that his own son does not.

Nisha realized that she had started trusting Nick more than she was accepting; she knew Nick was telling truth when he told her about his past, for the first time in her life she told someone about that incidence, which she was not planning to but somehow it felt right, as if he should know about it and she knew he would never utter a word about it. Who was he to her? Why was she able to trust him so much, what is their relationship?

"What are we?"

Nisha blurted out before she could stop herself. Nick abruptly turned towards her and one look at his face and she mentally face palmed herself. There goes her smiling Nick and welcome stone-faced billionaire. Wait, her Nick? What is wrong with her?

"Hello, earth to Nisha..."

Nick snapped his two fingers in front of her face and broke her chain of thoughts. She looked at him and saw him clenching his jaw, his eyes gone back to icy glare.

"What do you mean, by what are we?"

"I mean what is our relationship? We are not lovers at least not yet, we are not girlfriend- boyfriend, in reality what are we, cause for world we might be soon-to-be husband and wife but in reality it is not so, then what it is?"

Nisha explained him all in one breath. Hoping to lighten his mood.


"We are friends right so just because we have accepted our attraction towards each other does not change our relationship status. We will always be friends before anything."

Nick answered her matter of factly and she couldn't help but grin. Friends, that sounds good. Nick prepared their plates and opened the overhead cabinet to take out the glasses, stretching out his perfectly sculptured shoulder muscles making her knees go weak.

"So how about you walk here Mister Watson and I give you a nice reward for such an intelligent answer."

Nick turned toward her with amused look on his face and walked towards her seat in slow predatory way. As he came and stood in front of her, she smiled wickedly and tangled her fingers in a strap of his apron and before he could react, she pulled him forward, smashing her lips on his warm ones. She kissed him hungrily and he returned the kiss with same hunger. Her hands travelled to his nape and she caressed the softness of his hair. She felt his hands travelling to south and when they slipped under her shirt, she was lost in the sweet torment of his rough hands and moaned loudly.

Nick abruptly broke the kiss and pulled away making her groan in frustration.

"Looks like I have unleashed the beast."

He said huskily while caressing her cheek.

"I don't see you complaining beauty."

Nisha replied with a wink and started pulling his straps again, but he gripped her hand firmly and nodded his head before pulling away. He walked to the other side of the table and sat down before pouring them both a glass of juice.

"I won't be able to keep my promise if we keep on doing that. You have no idea how much I have to restrain myself for not to tear away that shirt and take you right here, right now on this table, hard and fast."

Nisha felt her cheeks flamed by his admission and she looked down at her plate to avoid looking at him. She heard him chuckle as she took a bite of her pancake and looked up to see a huge grin on Nick's face,

"You never failed to surprise me sweetheart. A moment ago you were kissing me as if there is no tomorrow and now when I told you how much I liked it you are blushing furiously."

He said with a chuckle and amusement in his voice.

"Ohh.... Shut up and finish your food. I want you to meet someone very important."

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