Chapter 8

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Hey guys. So this is a next chapter. This one is bigger than the last one and it consists of both of their views so (—) sign means change in point of view. So that's about story and now I want to thank you all . this story has got more than 800 reads today, truthfully I wasn't even expecting more than 200 reads so thank you so much for your comments and likes. Hope you will enjoy it further. So here you go.


Nisha quickly checked her appearance in a mirror and slide her foot into her heels. She couldn't believe that she actually agreed for this dinner. What was she thinking exactly.. Ohhh right she wasn't thinking at all. She grabbed her black cluther and locked the door. She was amused when she received banquet of roses earlier that day. She liked his gesture and decided to give him one last chance to make things right. So she told him that if he want to meet for dinner it has to be somewhere public, who wants to repeat the events of the other night. This way they won't be making any scene at least. She walked down the stairs and suddenly stopped.

Holy shit....

She thought to herself. She couldn't believe what she was looking at . Nicolas was leaning against his car with one leg propped up against the door. He was wearing a grey pants, white shirt, grey waistcoat and grey coat with white tie. She suddenly felt underdressed. He had crossed his arm before his chest and was now staring at her.

Does she have any idea what she is doing to him, by staring at him like that.

He cursed himself for thinking in that way, but today she was looking cute, classy and sexy at the same time in her simple black dress and baize coloured heels. She was wearing a silver chain and a pendent consisting a single Pearl. Even today she was wearing her hair up and had that "no-nonsense" attitude in her walk. As she stopped in front of him, he opened the door for her and once she was comfortably seated, he walked to the other side and slid behind the wheel.

He drove them to their destination in silence unable to decide what to talk. He had carefully chosen today's restaurant on the outskirts of the city. This restaurant was kind off a status symbol. He removed his tie and jacket as they reach to the restaurant and opened a door of a car for her. He offered her a hand as they were about to enter. She hesitated for a send but then hooked her arm in the crook of his elbow. A sudden shiver ran through him by her touch.

He talked to the stewardess and lead them to their table he reserved for them. As they reached to the table , he pulled out a chair for her.

He smirked to himself as he saw the surprised look on her face. Once seated he ordered a potted shrimps with cucumber and red wine and she ordered rosemary roasted potatoes for her with red wine. He leaned back in his chair with his wine glass in hand and cleared his throat.

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