Chapter 3

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It was a bright sunny day in May, His step out of his Mercedes in front of Nisha’s apartment. He looked at the neighborhood and realized that it was quite a low class area. He wondered that why she was living in such area when she owned his house.  He crossed the road and went upstairs. He already knew her flat no. so he found it pretty quickly. He checked the letter in his pocket and rang the bell. He heard hurried footsteps after he rang the bell third time and the door opened.

He saw a heart shaped face and a pair of magnificent coffee brown eyes staring at him with a question mark in them. She must have just come out of shower because he could see the water droplets on her slightly wet hairs. Her cheeks were flushed and a drop of water fell from the tip of her hair strand and fall on her neck and disappeared into the hollow neck of her top. He had seen her photographs but those pictures and the girl in front of him looked totally different.  Another droplet escaped from her hairs and followed the course of the previous one, he shifted his gaze to her eyes and he knew that he was in big trouble.

She couldn’t stop staring at him, this was definitely a dream. He was so gorgeous. She couldn’t take her eyes of from a stranger standing in front of her. Firm square jaw , broad temple, thick black hair , tanned skin, perfect mouth and those killer aqua blue eyes , he was every girls dream. What is he an angel?

But something was wrong, she couldn’t say what but something was definitely wrong about him.

He cleared his throat when he caught her staring.


He asked in his rough yet husky voice. Something was strangely familiar about him. She managed to nod for an answer.

“My name is Nicolas Watson. May I come in?".

So he was Nicolas about whom she had heard so many stories. She moved away from the door making a way for him to enter. As he walked past her, his arm brushed her shoulder and a sudden shiver ran through her spine.

"Please have a seat Mr. Watson. How can I help you?"

She tried to sound polite as she tried to bit back her anger.

“Well I have a letter for you. It’s from Mariette. She must have written it before her attack. Since there wasn't any address on envelope I couldn't give it to you before."

He retrieves the letter from his jacket and placed it on the table. 

He observed her as she stared at the letter. Her efforts to hide her emotions were visible. He took an advantage of her state to observe her and her flat. It was a very simply furnished yet cozy flat. Small but comfortable, just like her. He never thought someone can look so cute yet so sexy in those black baggy pajamas,  yet doing all the justice to her long legs and light blue colored oversize top ending at her mid thigh level hiding all her curves. She was still staring at the letter. He again cleared his throat to divert her mind from the letter. She snapped out of her thoughts as if she totally forgot that he was still here.

“Why are you really here Mr. Watson? I don’t believe that you are here just to give me this letter.”

That question caught him off guarded; he never thought she would directly ask him something like that. So he underestimated her. He swiftly regained his composure.

“Yes you are right I’m not here to give you this letter but I’m here to take what’s mine from you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about my home, my Roosevelt villa.”

“ I don’t have it. If you’ll properly read the will then you will understand that it is on my heirs name so I have no right on it.”

He could see the anger flickering in her eyes. He leaned back on the couch and smiled wickedly.

“I know that very well. But you need to know this that I will not let it go out of my family. So I’m here to give you a perfect solution?”

“What solution? And of which situation?”

“Well I know everything about your financial as well as your other problems”

“You got me investigated?”

He could see that now she was real pissed off.

“For the record yes, but what is important is that I have a perfect solution for you.”

“And what is that Mr. Watson?”

“Marry me.”

N/A :- hey guys this is my first story so plz read, comment and share and I hope you'll like it.

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