chapter 23

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Hey guys firstly sorry cause I said I would update yesterday but I couldn't. So let's put some facts straight. I have received a comment saying this is not a Indian story as it's content is against Indian values and morals. So THIS IS NOT A INDIAN STORY. Not because I agree abt the content against values & morals but because its a love story of a Indian woman and British man and how they fall in love despite of their cultural differences. I do not intend to hurt anybody's morals and values and about the ques of my characters behavior we all do many things which do not fit into Indian morals & values like wearing jeans , having relationships so let's not comment abt it and don't judge my story I don't appreciate it. My tags never said its a Indian story and I do not find any content offensive and if you feel it is you can gladly stop reading it. And to my other readers and followers and my silent readers thank you for your votes , comments and pm they are really encouraging.

"Yeah, right. Nice joke."
Nisha laughed at his idea sarcastically.
"No, I'm serious. Kiss me and ill forgive you."
Nick stated with his serious and no nonsense face.
"Common nick, how can you behave so much like a pervert? You know we have a rule of no touching."
Nisha tried to talk some sense into him but he did not budge.
He watched her fidgeting with her finger, trying to decide what to do. Her eyes glittered suddenly as she told him to close his eyes. He felt her moving towards him, stopping at a little distance. She places her hands on his shoulder to rise on her toes as she leaned in to kiss him. Her warm, sweet breath fanned near his lips, he parted his lips a bit in anticipation of kiss, and she kissed him. On his cheek. She gave him a little peck, quickly moving away before he could react. He opened his eyes and groan in frustration.
"That's not a kiss. It's a peck"
He complained as he found her grinning at him innocently with the mischievous glint in her eyes.
"That's a kiss in kid's dictionary. You said kiss. You forgot to specify the details. Now stop whining and let's have a lunch."
She ordered him and move into the kitchen to take out the plates.
"So what are we having for lunch?"
"Nothing, actually I think we should order something."
"why? what happened to the lunch to cooked for me.?"
"ummm..... i dont think we should eat it, it's not good and besides that its Indian."
She replied self-consciously.
" then we should definitely eat that only. Now stop behaving like a kid and bring out what you have prepared."
He watched her taking out everything out of oven nervously. She placed the food on table which he hadn't eaten before. He had eaten some of the Indian take out before but this was different. There was some sort of yellow coloured curry, some whole wheat round bread , rice and something else.
" so what is this? Aren't you going to tell me? And you were talking in which language when I walked in kitchen earlier."
" that was Marathi, my mother tounge. And this is a typical maharashtrian food. This is roti, which is made up of whole wheat flour, this curry is made up of pulses and this is what we call sabji, I mean it has a different name but let's not go there."
" so how did you cooked this saji?"
He asked curiously and she chuckled.
"it's not saji. Its sa-b-ji. That's how you pronounce it. Well it's made up of black bringles. You roast them first then you remove its outer skin and smash them a little and then you cook them with spices."
"ok. So now let's eat. I'm famished ."
He said excitedly as she served him. He was eager to taste the food, no matter how different it looked or sound.
"there you go."
"well how do I eat this exactly , I mean this is my first time."
He asked sheepishly as he stared at his food confusingly.
"well you take a piece of roti then you put sabji on it and then you eat."
She demonstrated the procedure for him and an he tried, failing graciously in his attempt he sat back and sighed.
" I don't think I can ever do this how you do it,"
She smiled at him and slightly pushed her plate aside and pulled her chair closer to him. She took a piece of roti and put some sabji on it and took it near his mouth.
" come on, open up and don't bite."
He opened his mouth and she feed him a bite. He felt hundreds of different flavours exploding in his mouth. He could taste the slight sweet taste roasted whole wheat bread, different spices of sabji,taste of onion and tomato, garlic and ginger. It was like a feast for his taste buds. He couldn't hold back and moaned in delight.
" I'm dead and gone to heaven. "
He said as he opened his mouth for another bite. She smiled at him and feed him another. She feed him the whole lunch as he sit back and enjoyed. After they finished their lunch they went into the living room and sat on the couch. Treasure came running out of now where and sat near Nisha's feet. She patted his head lovingly and kissed his head. Lucky dog. First she calls him handsome and now he gets a kiss, without blackmailing him.
" so what are you planning for the rest of the afternoon?"
"nothing, maybe ill study for sometime or read, what about you?"
"I'm planning to watch some football."
"whose playing?"
"Manchester united vs. liver pool."
" would you mind terribly if I sit with you while you watch. I'm still getting used to this place and would like some company."
"Yeah ok no problem with me. Let's go."
He took her into a room where there was a huge TV mounted on the wall with a sitting arrangement and switched on the TV.
After half an hour they both were screaming, and cheering for their teams. He was supporting liver pool and she was supporting Manchester united. Though it was an old match and they knew how it ended, they were still enjoying it as it was the first time they were seeing it.

It was a late evening when they come out of the TV room; both were exhausted and had a sore throat after screaming for two consecutive matches. They ordered the Chinese dinner and ate while discussing the games they saw. He suggested they should watch a movie so they again went into the TV room.

They were half way through a romantic comedy when he felt her snuggling closer and rest her head on his shoulder. Soon he felt her breathing slowing down and she drifted into a deep sleep. He watched her closely as she slept soundlessly and soon drifted into a sleep with her held tightly in his arms.

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