Chapter 42

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After spending an entire day in salon with her best friend , Nisha was all pampered and propped up for tonight's gala. She and Divya had spent hours getting their nail and hair done. Nisha was yet to see her dress for tonight but she trusted D's suggestion and went with a natural make up which complemented her fair skin, D helped her with her hairs making them fall on her back in soft waves.  Once her hair and makeup was done D took out her dress. She absolutely  loved her dress. It was wine red in color with a strap on one shoulder leaving the other one bare.  It had a tight fitting bodice and  then it was flared down ,giving it a nice swirl giving her a sexy yet elegant look.  She completed her look with nice pair of matching  heels.

  She completed her look with nice pair of matching  heels

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 Once she was done, D started with her own makeup. She went for a smokey eyes and straightened her hair . She then took out her dress and slipped into it. It was a simple  black dress with a sweetheart neck line and a slit in a middle, making her look sexy yet classy. She paired it with silver and black heels.

By the time they were all done it was almost a time for them to leave

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By the time they were all done it was almost a time for them to leave. Nisha decided to go downstairs as D started packing her last few things, much to her disagreement with the arrangement Divya was going to leave immediately after gala. As she descend down the stairs she found a terribly handsome looking Nick waiting for her in living room.  Her breath caught in her throat as she took him in. He was wearing the black tuxedo with white undershirt making him look sexy and delicious as hell. His clean shaved face was making his blue eyes stand out even more.  She smiled warmly at him as he openly gaped at her. She walked up to him and he pulled her in his arms. 

"you look devastatingly beautiful sweetheart. "

"you don't look bad yourself, Mr.Watson"

She replied mischievously as someone cleared their throat behind them making them both turn to look behind Nick.

Nisha stepped out of Nick's arm as soon as she noticed Eros standing in a doorway ,smirking at them,

"wow , you look ravishing Adelefi (sister)"

Eros exclaimed by dramatically keeping his hand on his heart. Just as he bowed in for a curtesy, Divya appeared on the top of stairs. She hurriedly make her way towards them, apologizing for being late, as Eros stared at her dumbstruck. 

"omorofi ( beautiful )"

He blurted out before he could stop himself. Nick chuckled lightly as Nisha and Divya stared at him in confusion.

Nick decide to rescue his friend / brother and hurried them out of the door before Eros would more embarrass himself.    


Nick stole a glance at Nisha as they reached the venue , She was fidgeting nervously and poorly trying to hide her anxiety. He held her hand in his own,

"Don't think so much, you are going to do great."

He encouraged her, while drawing small soothing circles on back of her hand. She gave him a weak smile just before valet opened the door of their car.

He stepped out and offered her a hand. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as she squared her shoulders and took his hand. She stepped out of the car with a chin held high ,square shoulders and a polite yet dazzling smile.  As soon as they turned towards awaiting press ,they were blinded by flashlights. No wonder they were going crazy, Nicholas Watson had a new woman on his arms. he hurriedly guided them inside. 

Once inside the confines of the ballroom Nisha almost  made a mad dash towards an oh-so-well known figure.

"Aaron " 

She screamed lightly as she flung herself in the arms of his best friend,who in return picked up  her effortlessly.   She  giggled as he swung her around before placing her gently on the ground. He felt a jealousy crept in his chest as she blushed at Aaron's compliments,

"wow princess , you look wonderful. "

"Thanks Aaron , you look Handsome as well, but I am very pissed at you. Why aren't you replying any of my texts?"

"you two are obviously in contact. "

Nick butted in their conversation as he snaked his arm possessively around Nisha's waist.

"Uhh... Yeah. Since the day we met. Since we have a common medical background and all , we kept in touch. "

Before he could react about this new information that he had possessed , a very pissed looking Divya and a smirking Eros joined them. 

Much with Divya's dismay she had to be Eros's date this evening as neither of them had any dates. After a formal introductions all of them decided to head towards their seats when Aaron declared that he had to wait for his date and was positive that Nisha would love her. 

They found their table situated at the front. Just as he was helping Nisha a very well remembered voice sent a chills down to his spine,

"Nick , Is that you?"


To all that who want to murder me, i am extremely sorry for this delay , but a good news i have graduated with first class.. yayy..... and got a job to.... double yayy....

plzz plzz vote comment and share and though i might not reply to all but i read each and every comment and thank you all for your patience and support.

plzz plzz vote comment and share and though i might not reply to all but i read each and every comment and thank you all for your patience and support

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