Chapter 29

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hey guys.. i know its been quite a time but the good news is my exams are over and i'll be updating more frequently now(hopefully), firstly thank you all for those all who commented on last chapter, i have not got time to reply but i read all your comments so thank u all and a big thank you for all those who have been voting for my story so do tell me what do u think about this one. and i recently had a very interesting suggestion and its about writing a small summery about the story till now as i have been very irregular updater, so do tell me what do you think about this suggestion njoy & do vote,comment & share........


Nick was sitting behind his desk in his office. Wondering about how his life has changed. It has been two weeks since Nisha told him about his father, lot of things have changed between two of them. In last two weeks, they have become friends as if they knew each other for ages. There was one time in his life, not so long ago when he used to stay in office for days so that he would not have to go back to his empty apartment, but now he was always eager to go home, to go back to her. She had made his lifeless apartment his home.

They have fallen into their own routine, every morning they would do a work out in his home gym then she would cook breakfast for him and they would sit at the table and eat it while discussing the current affairs. He has started to admire her knowledge about world and politics. She was not afraid to voice her thoughts about any issue and that was something he admired in her. Then they would leave for their work and in the evening, he would cook her dinner and ask her questions about her life, her likes and dislikes. Nisha promised him that she would be honest with him and so far, she had fulfilled her promise.

He knew her favourite colour was black, unlike many women he encountered in his life she loved to dress simply, she had no love make up and dress ups, or fashion magazines yet she had a weakness for nice pairs of shoes. She loved food, she would eat almost anything and everything placed on her plate, she also had a small statue of her god in her room where she would pray every day after her bath.

He also knew that there were some things in her life she do not like talking about, like her family, the reason behind that incidence. He asked her many times but every time the answer was silence. During one of their conversations on his balcony after the dinner she told him how much she hated the idea of being in love with somebody; how she would prefer to be alone than to be married for a life time.

When he asked her about their marriage she said she was glad she was not emotionally involved with him, that he was becoming her good friend, someone she can trust. Like hell he had thought, he wanted to be more than her friend, more what he had no clue but definitely not just her friend.

A realization hit him as he was thinking over last two weeks events that he had started to care for her. She was a strong, stubborn, hardheaded yet vulnerable. In all these days, he had come to know one thing about her that she has been fighting her battles alone for a long time, that someone broke her heart very badly, that many times he had seen the sadness crept over her eyes when she thought he was not looking. He wanted to take her in his arms and protect her from anything and everything; he had not felt it like this since her.........

He stood up abruptly from his chair as memories of his past stated crippling up in his mind. Nick shook away his thoughts and headed home.

Nick reached home after half an hour's drive. He had brought roses for Nisha. Pink roses were her favourite so he thought they would be perfect while he asked for an apology. Last few days had been rough for them. Everything he says would set her anger on fire. He once asked her about informing her parents about their arrangement and the volcano irrupted in his house. She was shouting at him in no time bout not to give her orders about what to do with her life and her family and after that, she stormed out of the house.

Later that evening he found her sitting in balcony with a rather sad look on her face, they did not say a word to each other that night. Next day she was behaving like nothing had happened and she apologised for her outburst and then she got angry because he left his shoes on carpet. He had no clue how to react to that and since then she had been give him a silent treatment.

That was when he found out her ability to stay absolute silent as he always teased her about how much of a chatterbox she was but since last two days, she had not uttered a word. Not even a single sound came out of her mouth. Many times, he thought about taking her in his arms and kissing her senseless but he knew better than that. Today he would put an end to this cold war between them.

He opened the door and walk into the house, he saw he coat and purse on the couch but there was no site of her. He slowly walked into her bedroom only to find her balled up in the middle of bed whimpering under covers.

He crossed the room in few strides and sat beside her and shook her with concern .what was wrong with her? Is she ok? Worry took over his mind as she slowly turned around, whimpering clearly in pain. He flicked on the lights dreading that she might be hurt. He saw a pale face as room illuminate in bright light. She looked awful.

"You brought me roses?"

She asked him, breaking the silence. He gaze locked on her as he helped her sit up in her bed.

"What happened to you? Are you ok? Did you show it to the doctor?"

He asked her in concern.

"I don't need a doctor Nick. I'm fine."

She replied.

"Like hell you are. Look at you, you are clearly in pain and you look like shit."

"Well thank you for the compliment but I'll get better don't worry. It is ok. It happens."

"are you telling me that you are suffering from some kind of disease, please tell me now, we'll get you the best doctors , will appoint the best doctors, best care, you name it and you'll have it."

He looked shocked when she burst out laughing, He was talking so seriously and she was laughing at him.

"Nick calm down nothing is wrong with me. It really awkward to say this but ...but I'm on my know... now don't make me spell it out."

He realised what she was saying and sighed in relief.

"Ok...ok i understand. Tell me where it is hurt."

"Just my stomach and back."

"Is it usual?"

"No, it only happens sometimes. But I'm sorry you had to go through all my tantrums and mood swings."

"It's alright sweetheart, you can throw all your tantrums at me and I wouldn't say a word of complaint. Now you relax I will go and get you something hot to eat it will help with pain. Do you need anything else?"

"Yes a coffee would be real nice."

"Well than your coffee is on its way my lady."

Moreover, with that all the tension relived between them.

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