Chapter 27

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hey guys sorry for late update but i was super busy in college work and i have my exams coming up in next week so the next update will be after 15th of July. ohh and I have entered into #watty2015 so please vote , comment and share and do support me. enjoy...


Nick was closing the door after taking the delivery of their order from the delivery boy when he heard Nisha's footsteps behind him.

"It's here. Come on let's eat."

He told her as he carried the bags into the kitchen.

'Yeah, let me help you with that."

They took out the food on their plates. He had ordered they some Chinese and he saw Nisha's eyes glitter at the site of food and he scold himself for forgetting to give her the password. She took spoonful of bite and moaned in pleasure and he felt sudden heat rushing towards certain part of his anatomy, he Ignored the feeling and dig In. After some food inside his system, he turned his attention back to her. She was eating silently, thoroughly enjoying her food. He cleared his throat and she looked up at him,

"Looks like you like Chinese."

"Like? I love it."


"What Is It?"

She asked him as If she read his thoughts.

"I want to ask you something but I expect the truth. Is that OK?"

He asked uncertainly,

"Yeah it's OK. What do you want to know?"

"Why are you marrying me? I mean why you agreed. I know it is not because of my threats or your problems; I want to know the real reason. "

"If I answer to your question will you answer mine?"

'Yes, I will"

"OK then do you remember the day we first met?"

"Yes" how could he forget that day?

"Well then you also remember that you gave me a letter that day. You said it was Mariette's

He nodded In agreement.

"Well it wasn't just that. It was Mariette's letter true but inside the envelope, there was one more letter. It was from Charles."

"He had left me a letter with married to give it to me when time was right and no one knew about this."

"What was in the letter?"

He asked curiously. Nisha got up from her chair and left the kitchen, after few minutes she returned with the letter. She handed It to him and he opened It. he saw his fathers beautiful hand Writing and he started reading It.

My sweet heart,

By the time, you will receive a letter I might not be with you. This is my last letter but I want you to know that I love you. I always wanted a daughter just like you but I never had her until the day you walked up on my doorsteps. 

I still remember the first day we met, you were standing on my doorsteps looking all lost and frightened in a foreign country, away from the home but you had put on a brave front. All I did was gave you one room in my house and you repay It with your unconditional love.

 You stand up In front of me, protecting me when I was broken and what you got In return was that horrible Incidence which left scars on your heart. I know I know you are all tough and hard to be broken but I know you better. 

All that ohh-I'm-so-strong front of yours is just a facade. Sweetheart I want you to do something for me, I want you to get married. I know you hate the all marriage system and I also know the reasons behind It but you have to move on, you cannot punish yourself for someone else's mistakes. Promise me you will get married and settle down.

 You will say yes to a man whom you will find just like me. I have not forgotten your promise that you will marry that Is If you marry to a man just like me. I know this is an emotional blackmail but think of this as my dying wish.

 I know you will never say no to me. Always remember sweetheart I love you and you will always be my daughter.



He put down the letter and sighed.

"So you are marrying me because of my father's last wish?"

She silently nodded.

"Why? Why was he so Important to you?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes, I want to know the whole story."

She nodded and started telling him everything.


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