Chapter 49

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 Nisha woke up the next morning with a sweet ache in her body. She was trapped between the pillows and Nick's body. They somehow ended up spooning last night and Nick was holding her as if she would disappear. She slowly snuggled her way out of his embrace and replace herself with a pillow. She slowly walked out of the room and tiptoed her way into the washroom. She blushed furiously when she saw her naked body bearing the many marks of their intense lovemaking. Nick was very gentle with her, she was sure it was quite difficult for him as she had experienced his taste for having it a little rough during their makeout sessions. But last night he worshipped her as he had never done before. But she was more than happy about the fact that after everything she had to say he didn't look at her like a broken doll or he didn't pity her. He worshipped her and more than that she saw the respect in his eyes that she always craved for. Respect and acceptance. 

Lost in her own thoughts she finished her morning rituals and decided to take a bath in her room and make some breakfast for them. They never got to finish their dinner last night and she was famished. She looked around for some clothes in his walk-in as he ended up tearing her dress last night. She chose his white T-shirt and a boxer. She felt lucky that she was tall and had a full figure because the T-shirt reached her mid-thigh and she didn't have to adjust the boxers as Nick preferred to wear loose boxers.  

She was about to walk out of the room when Nick barged in. He looked panicked and before she said anything he grabbed her kissed her hard. He ended it after what seemed like an eternity leaving her utterly breathless.  

"Nick, that was wow but what happened?"

"I woke up and you weren't next to me, Why weren't you next to me ?"

"I was just freshening up, baby. "

"Damn it woman you will give me a heart attack one day."

"Ohh stop being so dramatic, come on since you are up, let's go in the kitchen. I was thinking about making breakfast. We haven't even checked up on treasure since yesterday. "

" Well, what are you wearing?"

"Ohh sorry, someone ripped my dress last night because he couldn't unzip it. "

"Hey, It's not my fault and that zipper was stuck. Besides, I think that was a smart move in hindsight because you love delicious in my clothes Love. If it is up to me you'll be wearing my clothes for the rest of our lives. But right now if you think that I'm gonna let that sexy ass walk out of the door looking like the way you do then you are naive love. "

Nisha's heart skipped a beat when he said "rest of our lives". A tiny spark of hope flared in her heart but her insecurities reared their head up, telling her heart that he didn't really mean it. She decided to live in the moment and kicked her insecurities in the deepest corner of her mind. 

" In that case, I think breakfast will have to wait a bit longer. But if you don't feed me soon I'm gonna turn into a monster. Now get that ass over here Mr. Watson, I'm hungry for you. "

"As you wish my Love, I am afraid I have created a hungry monster."

"Ohh I'm hungry only for you baby. "

Nisha let out a squeal before bursting into laughter when Nick lifted her on his shoulder and threw her on the bed. 

"Tell me honestly Love, How sore are you, because I don't think I can be gentle this time."

"Just a little. And I'll kill you if you try to be gentle."

"Urgghhh, You'll be a death of me Woman."

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