Chapter 52

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Man who haunted her mind lived in her heart for a couple of years now. He was the reason she hardly dated anyone after coming abroad. It wasn't that she didn't meet nice guys but she always ended up comparing everyone she met with Kiaan.  Kiaan was like a calm sea whereas she was a raging tornado. She dated a guy before she met Kiaan, that guy was her nightmare come true. He broke her self-confidence and self-esteem to bits and pieces. She always wondered that how could she allow a guy to break her to an extent where she felt guilty for even existing. At least she was smart enough to end it quickly. She swore that she would never give anyone that kind of power over her. She understood that her intense need to be loved, to be acknowledged, to care for had caused her downfall in that relationship. She made the mistake of looking for validation in a place where there was nothing but pure lust. An abusive, misogynist, self-centered man was something she needed to realize that in love you don't beg for affection, it is given freely, that a relationship is supposed to make you grow as a person. All her ex gave her was heartache and regret. He demoralized her so much that she started feeling more and more worthless every passing day. The day she broke up with him, she felt free. By then her self-esteem was broken on multiple levels, she thought of herself as a broken toy and she was sure that nobody would want a broken person as their partner.

Many men came into her life after her Ex and before Kiaan, all of them wanted physical pleasure, they wanted her to be a trophy they could show off as, some of the misogynistic men thought of her as a substitute for a maid and all that was expected from her was cook, clean and share a bed. They did not try to understand her, they did not respect her neither did they love her. Before she met Kiaan, she thought all men were the same or were similar in that sense and no one would really try to understand her. She had accepted her fate of being alone till the time she would actually meet someone who would understand her. 

Kiaan showed her that there were some men alive who looked at her for who she is. That they enjoy her company. He was what she used to call him was out of the syllabus question. A question she wasn't prepared for. He teased her kiddish behavior, yet always patiently warded off her pranks, he would silence her angry rant with a cold-blooded logic yet when she was on her periods put up with her most illogical demands. He was the first person who ever saw a strength in her were all she could see was broken pieces, yet he hugged her tight and held her close when things became too difficult for her to handle and she broke down in tears. 

She never planned on falling in love with him, she always knew that he does not think of her as anything else but a friend, she still couldn't stop herself from loving him. He was not a ray of hope at the end of the dark tunnel, he was bright sunlight that filled every corner of her heart. She never expected him to love her back, after all, her feelings were hers to handle. Love was not something you can force on to someone. She respected him for not giving her false promises and taking advantage of her feelings and he respected her for her honesty. Besides she always has fun using all pickup lines on him and making him awkward. Because of the transparency of her feelings between them, she always found it easy to talk to him in ways she wasn't able to communicate with anybody else.  Looking back at her feelings for Kiaan she now realized that she never felt the spark, the chemistry, or the burning need she felt for Nick. She never felt this insane need to be around Kiaan, She was okay with him not thinking about her the way she thought about him. She did not look for his approval or she never tried to impress him the way she always felt the need to impress Nick. She loved surprising Nick, she liked the way he gazed at her whenever she dressed up. She liked the way Nick always kept touching her waist or hold her hand. Nick unapologetically showed her off and their relationship. 

Nick. She was missing him terribly, though her mind had wandered in the past she unknowingly started comparing Kiaan and Nick. Nick was in many ways similar to Kiaan but Nick always seems to be putting her needs first. She remembered the night she had nightmares and the way he held her and sang for her, Nick pushed her to be a better version of herself, he helped her study, he even made a study chart for her. He would listen to her ranting about her cases though he hardly understood any of it, he always seemed interested in what she has to say. 

Sighing in distress she stood up from her place in the park and glanced down at her watch, it has been five hours since she sat down, She had a raging migraine now. She winced as she massaged her temple and decided to call the cab, only to realize that she had forgotten her phone back home. Cursing herself she walked to the street and hailed a cab. She at least had enough change to make it back home. She rested her head on a window after she gave her address to the driver. She almost drifted off to sleep when the driver woke her up, telling her that they have reached their destination. She paid him and thanked him and got off. The thought of an empty house without Nick left a dull ache in her heart. All she wanted to do now was to close the blinds and crawl in the bed to ward off her raging migraine. She entered the elevator and finally when it reached its destination she heard series of curses and a very angry voice, 

"How much difficult it is to find a one-woman, How can you let her go alone in the first place?"

She was greeted with a sight of an angry Nick, with his jacket carelessly thrown on the chair, sleeved rolled up till his forearm, disheveled hair, and pacing while shouting orders on his phone. He turned around at the sound of Treasure's happy barks. Nisha could see the relief flooding in his eyes which was quickly replaced by anger.  She was in trouble but she was far too happy to care about his anger right now. She crossed the room in a blur and threw her arms around his neck. Hugging him tightly, she kissed his cheeks and kissed him deeply, pouring all her emotions into her kiss. Nick seemed a bit shocked at first but he kissed her back more passionately. 

"Welcome home, Baby"

"Don't you dare try to sweet talk me, Nisha, you just gave me a scare of the lifetime, Where were you and why didn't you take your phone with you. "

"I'll explain everything, I promise but right now just hold me, I want to stay like this for a while. you can get angry at me later. Right now hold me and kiss me, I have missed you too much."

"Well I thought I would be giving you a surprise by coming back early, but you sure have beat me to it. I missed you too sweetheart. And I would love to have this welcome every time I come back home"

"I think we can manage that if you promise not to behave yourself afterward"

"well, Aren't you a little Minx?"

Laughing at their little flirting game she lost herself in Nick's kisses and somewhere deep down in heart realised that, this right here, in his arms was her home. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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