Chapter 20

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Nisha walked silently as nick lead her into the living room. She saw a man standing in the middle of the room. His back was turned towards them but she could see his broad and strong shoulders.

“Ahh... Eden my fiancé Nisha.”

“Nisha this is Eden. He is my security chief and your new bodyguard and he will also drive you to the hospital and home and anywhere you want to go. He’ll be with you all the time and two others bodyguards too. ”

Nisha was stunned by nick’s statement; this man was definitely out of his mind. How can he just take decisions without even asking her?  Eden must be in early 40’s he sure could scare the hell out of people just by his cold look. She wasn’t agreeing to this, at least not on this life.

“Can I have a word with you nick?”

She asked him as she glared at him.

“What for sweetheart? You can speak here also”

He replied smirking. So he was doing this deliberately so she won’t argue with him in front of a stranger. Asshole.

“Very well." I don’t need any bodyguard. No offence sir but I don’t see any need of it.”

She apologised to Eden who uncomfortably shifted his weight on other leg and nodded.

“I’ll take your leave sir.” Eden finally spoke and turned to leave but nick stopped him.

“why don’t you just listen to me for once Nisha, what makes you think you don’t need a bodyguard, you are going to be my wife; anything can happen, you can get kidnap for god’s sake”

She could see frustration in his eyes, but she wasn’t going to listen to him this time.

“Calm down nick. I’m quite capable of defending myself.”

“Is that so? Let’s do one thing, will test your abilities and we will decide after that about this bodyguard issue. Eden here will be the judge and ill attack you and you just have to defend.”

“Now you are talking. Bring it on but just to tell you I’m not going to put any medicine on your bruises. And when you will lose you will give us a treat. “

Nisha saw his eyes glittered with amusement. Within split of a second he leapt on her but she reacted on instinct and turned to her side making him fall on the ground. She laughed in delight as he hit the floor.

“I’ll make it easy for you”

And with that she turned her back at him and as she was expecting he caged her in his arms from back and smirked to herself and wrapped her hands around his arms and bent forward and in no time nick’s back hit the floor.  She chuckled as he grunted while getting up.

“Fine dearie, let’s do this tough way.”

Nick suddenly started throwing punches at her; she dogged and blocked them while throwing some at him. Within no tome they were doing kick boxing. She was amused by his speed and strength. She lost her concentration for a second as she watched his strong biceps contract and an unexpected kick landed on her thigh bringing down her on her knees. Nick hurried towards her but she punched in his gut and was on her feet in spilt of a second. She looked at him victoriously but saw him clutching his gut with pained expressions. Her heart came into her mouth as she saw him falling on a couch. She ran to him, took his face n her hands, forcing him to look at her.

‘Nick. I’m so sorry. I just reacted on instinct. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Tell me where it hurt, please nick talk to me baby...”

She asked him worriedly but suddenly his expressions changed and he caged her in his arms. She looked at him confusingly only to find him smirking.

“You are one of the best fighters I have met sweetheart but you have weakness. You are too sweet for your own good. It’s very easy to trick you.”

“What? You are an asshole. Let me go”

“Asshole haan... some one was calling me baby just few seconds ago.”

She felt blush spreading up on her cheek as she struggled to get out of his embrace. How can he suddenly become so strong maybe he wasn’t using his full strength earlier or maybe she wasn’t trying so hard?

She loved the feel of his hard body pressed against hers; his strong arms were gripping her like she was the most precious thing in the world. She could feel heat radiating from his body to hers. They were too close for their own goods, and her gaze dropped to his lips and all she could think about is how kissable they were. She lifted her gaze and met his only to found out that he knew exactly what she was thinking. She leaned in slightly for a kiss and someone cleared their throat behind them. And she pushed nick one more time and this time he let her go. She turned around to find Eden with an admiring look in his eyes.

“So my friend, who won?”

Nick asked him while winking at her.

“Both of you won.”

“What? That’s not fair Eden.”

Nick complained in a childish tone. Earning a giggle from her.

“So what do we do know?”

She asked them both.

“Well, I have a suggestion. I can be your driver but I won’t be with you in your work place and I don’t see a need of other two bodyguards. These ways both of you are getting what you want.”


“It’s ok with me. “

She cut his sentence and gave Eden a permission to leave. As soon as Eden walked out of the door, very familiar and strong arms eloping her body and a warm breath fanned near the sensitive spot of her neck,

“So where were we?”


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