Chapter 30

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 Hey guys... so here's a new update. In last chapter we saw nicks point of view and this one is all about Nisha's view. This one has a interesting turn so don't forget to tell me about it in comments and don't forget to vote and share. so enjoy.

P.S. this chap is dedicated to sweety1711. your comment has made my day dear. thank you so much for such a beautiful comment. I'm honored. 


Nisha woke up next morning feeling much better than before. Last night had been quite difficult for her, but as she saw a sleeping form of nick, she was glad that he was there with her. Nick was currently sleeping in a chair, which was definitely uncomfortable for his six feet frame. She had told him to sleep in his room comfortably but he insisted on staying with her. He had held her hand and sat with her until the time she fell asleep. Nisha could see those dark hair messed up, his clothes were all crumpled, she was sure his back would hurt today and as he moved a bit one strand of hair fell on his temple. She had a sudden urge of removing that strand from his face and run hands through his dark hair.

Nisha could not stop staring at his sleeping form and wondering about past two weeks. She would have never thought that they would come this close to each other. They have become friends in these two weeks. She had learnt all his likes and dislikes and his nasty habits. She loved the way they spent their holiday doing nothing but a movie marathon, the way he teased her; she would do anything to see those expressions on his face when she pulled a prank on her, yes that was epic. She had cut his bottle of water in half, filled it half with water, and then deliberately added some extra chillies in his food. When his tongue was on fire with all the hotness, she simply passed him a bottle of water and the moment it touched to his lips... BAM ...all the water was on his shirt, he was shocked and she had fallen on ground, laughing.

In no time after that, he had chased her down and tickled her to death, but from that day onwards, he was always checking all the bottles. She never realised when they came this close that she was pulling pranks on him, she never did that to anyone except her closet friends.

They were sharing many things with each other, she even told him about her views of marriage and love one night but stopped herself before she could give away more. They would fight on any stupid thing and after some time start laughing on their own stupidity.

She had come to terms that he was a not that bad of a person, he was sweet,caring,understanding under all that cynical, arrogant and dominating behaviour. He was treating her like a princess always taking care of her needs. Last night also he had been at her bedside the whole time looking lost, as he had no clued what to do. She tried to calm him down as he fused over her, bringing her hot soup then a hot water bag. It was first time in her life someone was worried about her this much on so not-so-serious thing. She knew she could now rely on him for support and that scared her to death. She had never trust anyone this much and not this easily. She was now doubting her own sanity, was it right to trust him so easily, to let him in, what if he broke her trust, she knew she wouldn't be able to forgive him and yet they had to spent a lifetime together. She knew many things about him and his father that she had no intension of sharing it with him yet many times, she was on the verge of telling them to him.

She took a one more glance at Nicks sleeping form and a devilish smirk appeared on her face. She gets down from her bed and leaves the room on her tiptoes without making any sound. She went into his room and straight into his washroom. It took no time to find what she was looking for. She returned to her room in same silence. She took a feather which she had few months ago to keep at her bed stand and went near Nick. He was sleeping like a baby and it broke her heart to do this to him but it was so much fun. She poured all the shaving cream on his hand and positioned it perfectly, she took a feather and gently tickled his ear, he shrugged once, twice but on third time, his hand went straight to his face and Nisha burst out laughing. Nick woke up startled and confused and when he looked down at his hand, he ran into a washroom and within few seconds, she heard him shouting her name. She dashed out of the room with him on her toes.

"Come here you little devil. Where is your pain gone now?"

"That's the point Nick it is all gone now, I get all energetic cause of my stupid hormones."

She shouted back at him as she went into the living room.

"You are getting punished for this prank sweetheart."

"Oh... stop whining Nick it's just a shaving cream."

"Still you are getting that punishment honey..."

"Catch me before that.... baby.."


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