Chapter 11

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Nick turned the knob half dreading it to be locked, but when it opened with a click he thanked god. He swung opened the door and stepped into an uncomfortably cold room. He saw Nisha crawled into the far end of the bed with blankets pulled up to her chin, eyes wide open and shivering violently. He ran to her when she again started screaming,

"Please don't touch me. Let me go. Please. Please let me go."

He pulled her into his arms as she fought him but he tighten his embrace.

"Shhh... I have got you sweetheart. I have got you. Everything is OK. No one will hurt you now. I won't let anyone hurt you again. Never ever again."

He whispered soothing words in her ear and he felt her relax a bit in his arms. She put her arms around his neck and held on to him as if her whole life was depending on him. He pulled her on to his lap and started stroking her back to calm her as she was still shivering. He felt the sudden unexplained urge to protect her from everything even her nightmares. He could still feel her shaking and he did something he thought he would never do. He gathered her in his arms and cocooned her like a baby and started started singing the lullaby his father always sang for him when he used to have nightmares as a child. He patted her and sang for her till she finally fall asleep. He watched her sleeping form in his arms , she looked so fragile and frightened. He felt the boiling rage inside him. All he could think was how much he want to throttle the man who did this to her. What has happened to her? Who did this? A abusive boyfriend or a lover or someone else.

One thing he knew for sure that this nightmare was provoked by that bastard landlord's nasty comment. He was going to pay for his mistake and with this determination Nick brushed away the strand of her face and softly kissed her temple.

"No one is going to hurt you sweetheart. I'll always protect you. I promise you. I'll always be there when you need me."

He whispered in her ear and closed his eyes and fall asleep with her safely cocooned in his arms.

Nisha woke up with a broad smile on her lips next morning. She pushed back her covers and walked to the window. It was a beautiful morning and the window gave her a magnificent view of London. She still felt like living in a dream she saw last night. It was so vivid and it felt so real that she didn't want to wake up. She turned away from the window and finally noticed the room around her. It was beautifully coloured in soft baize colour with white coloured furniture. She opened the door in front of the bed and found herself walking into a huge closet. That closet alone was a size of her one room. She went into the adjoining bathroom to the closet. She found it well supplied with towels. She quickly finished her daily activities and walked out of the room to find Nicolas. She stopped in front of his room. It was quite an early morning and she didn't want to disturb him but she needed to get her things from her apartment and  she was quite sure that if leave without telling him, he will definitely be very angry. Not that she cared but since he was so nice to her she felt it was her duty to inform him. She lift her hand to knock but a sweet husky voice which was now very familiar to her stopped her.

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