Chapter 22

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After almost half an hour in shower and two black coffees nicks anger subsided. Well it was not like everyday he was rejected by the girls. After all he was Nick Watson; one of the most eligible bachelor in England. He was bloody, fucking billionaire. Women were crazy about his looks and wealth. This was the first time a woman refused him. One thing was hurt definitely and that was his ego.
He took another sip of his coffee trying to cool down his anger with its bittersweet taste. His mind drifted back to their little encounter earlier and images of their intimacy flashed in his mind. She was definitely attracted to him as much as he was to her, and she was doing everything to resist it. He was not mistaken about her reactions to his simple touch. All he has to do is stand close to her and place few kisses on her face and neck that alone turned her into a fireball.
If she was reacting like this to his simple touch than how she will react in when he will take her. He groaned as an image of her lying naked in his bed with her hair sprawled on a pillow flashed in his mind and his body reacted immediately.
He took a deep breath as he tried to control his carnival urges and shifted his mind to their conversation. She was afraid of something, not him or the intimacy they shared, the way she kissed him was nowhere near being afraid. Nevertheless, he had seen her shutting down every emotion that might have crossed her mind. He was always proud of his ability to control his emotions and that was the very reason why he was a billionaire today.
He was known to be ruthless, arrogant and someone you should not mess with, but with Nisha he felt his softer side surfacing up, something he had buried long ago. She had remarkable capability of hiding and controlling her emotions. She was strong, sttuborn yet vulnerable and broken. He had seen her shaking with fear last night; the look in her eyes broke his heart, he wanted wipe out that fear and kill those bastards who put it there.
He knew she was not telling him the complete truth of that night, neither she explained how his father knew exactly where to find her or how he saved her. So many questions he intended to ask her but he refrained himself when he saw the sadness clouding her beautiful coffee brown eyes. He realised that he had started caring for her; she was the only woman so far who had been able to break his clod exterior he had build around himself after..............
He closed his eyes as painful memories flooded into his mind. He blocked out all those memories. He needed to get out of here. He needed some work to distract him. He walked out of his study, heading towards his room to change when he heard something in a language he did not understand and a loud noise of falling of a utensil followed it. He turned around, walked into the kitchen, and burst out laughing.
"What is it you found so funny mister?"
Nisha asked him angrily, while shooting daggers at him. He controlled his laughter with a great effort and gasured her to follow him. He took her into her room and makes her stand in front of her. He watched her burst out laughing as she saw herself, hair covered into flour, chocolate on her cheek and some curry on her apron. She was looking like a complete mess still he found it cute. Her laugh was like a soft music to his ear.
"I'll go and clean this up."
She said after few seconds and she walked into the bathroom. He went back into the kitchen to clean the mess she might have made, only to found it spotless. He was staring at his spotless kitchen when he felt her presence behind him. He turned around to face relatively clean looking Nisha, raising an eyebrow n question.
"Ummmmm...... I know , I shouldn't have barge into your kitchen like that and.... umm...I thought I should cook some lunch for you..I mean i mean you..."
He saw her rocking on her foot, biting her lip nervously as she fought with the words. She had no idea that her smallest action was doing to him and his body.
"Why did you bother, we could have ordered something."
He stated coldly.
"No... I mean yes... but I wanted to apologise for my behaviour earlier today and so I thought ... I should... you know..."
He was enjoying her distress more than anything was right now, maybe he should enjoy it more.
"And?" she asked confusingly
"You said you were apologising. I'm listening."
"Ohhh..... Ummm... I am sorry. The way I behaved. I was little bit rude a..."
"Little bit?"
He asked her breaking her sentence and she rolled her eyes in frustration.
"Ok. More than a little bit. And I should have handled the situation more calmly, but this does not mean I'm saying there are no rules, just I should have been calmer."
She finished her sentence in breath and he could not stop himself from smirking as an evil thought crossed his mind.
"Well you were rude earlier and now you are apologising. I was hurt by your words and all you are doing is saying sorry. Nope, you will have to earn your apology."
"o.k., what should I do to earn your forgiveness."
"Kiss me."

Hey guys , yes its a late update but I'll try to update weekly now. And one of my reader asked me if its a Indian story why we haven't seen any references yet. So the answer to that question is this is just a beginning . we have a long way to go. ....... So do tell me what do you think about this chap.

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