Chapter 25

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Hello guys.. I know its been a long time but I was on vacation and luckily wattpad don't need internet so I could read but writing and updating was difficult. So here I am..... Don't forget to tell me what you think about it. Do vote and comment.

Nisha's head jerked up at the source of the voice and she found a man in standing in a hall, glaring at treasure. He was in his late twenties, tall, well-built, black hair and black eyes and soft features. He had a boyish charm on his face. Cute was the only right word to describe him. He came towards them in long strides and kneeled down besides treasure.
"How can you cheat on me boy?"
"You never listen to my commands and now you are backstabbing me over a woman's kiss."

He bowed his dramatically imposing he felt bad about it. So much, of a theatrics and over acting but she burst out laughing when treasure happily licked him all over his face, pushed him on the ground in process, and soon treasure was standing on that stranger licking him and he was struggling to regain his footing.
"How can you be so cruel? Come on help me. Save me from this devil"
He finally managed to request his rescue to her and she obliged.
"That's it treasure. Come here boy."
Treasure came jumping towards her and she patted him on his head as he quietly sat down near her feet.
"Wow. Thank you my knight in shining armour. You have saved me from him."
He thanked her dramatically bowing in front of her and she could not control her laughter.
"Yeah, ok you are welcome but do you always talk this dramatically or today is a special day Mr.? Oh, sorry I did not catch your name "
"Ahh... where are my manners? My name is Aaron and no I do talk normally but all this theatrics is to see that laughter of my lady."
"Well you can stop being to formally dramatic now but hi I'm Nisha."
She introduced herself and extended her hand for a formal shake but he surprised her when he took her hand and placed kiss on her knuckles. She felt the blush creeping up her cheeks. She awkwardly removed her hand from his firm yet gentle grasp as she saw a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"I'll go and tell Nick that you are here, but you didn't tell me your surname or your purpose of visit and I would be glad to know how exactly you managed to enter into this apartment?"
She asked him suspiciously and saw something flicker in his eyes but before she could place, it was gone.
"My apologies Man. I am Aaron Baxter. Nick and I are pretty old friends and as of entering into this house, Nick has given me his security access code so I can come and check on things when he is not around."
"Oh. I am sorry. I had no idea about this but I think I know who you are. Are you the same Aaron Baxter who is one of the top neurologists? Who had done the most difficult surgeries ever?"
"Yes Mam that would be me. I don't know about one of the top but yeah I'm a neurologist."
"Oh my god! I am a huge appreciator of your work. Meeting you is like a dream come true for me. Sorry I didn't recognise you but your photos were never published and you are like allergic to media so ..."
"Well I'm honoured that you like my work, I just try to do my best that's all. Since you are my fan and I am jealous of treasure. So can we be friends too?"
'Yeah, sure. I it will be my pleasure."
"Oh... no dearie pleasure is all mine."
"Would you like to join us for breakfast? I'm making some scrambled eggs."
"Yes, I would love to."
He smiled at her cheekily and soon they were engrossed in conversation about their professions as she started preparing breakfast for all of them. He started telling her stories and cases he had treated and she shared some of her experiences. Since her specialization was in neuro paediatric physiotherapy, they had endless topics. She realised that besides his fun loving nature, he was extremely intelligent and they have many things in common.
They were laughing on one his jokes when someone cleared their throat. They both turned into the direction of the sound and they found Nick standing in the doorway, glaring at them. He was looking deliciously handsome in his black suite. He came near her and took her in a hug. He brushed his lips to ears and whispered,
He then kissed her temple and smiled at her lovingly and she felt a tug in her heart.
"Morning Aaron. Why didn't you tell me that you were coming?"
"Ohh... I thought I'll give you a nice surprise but I must say I'm surprised."
"So tell me Nick, she is the same girl who slapped you right?"
"Yes, she is the only one and I almost lost a kick boxing match with her."
"Whoa...I knew it beauty with strenght as well as brain. If you don't mind I would love to get know her better and get married to her."
He winked at Nick and nick gave him a death glare.
"Don't even think about it Aaron she is taken. So back off."
"Hey, I guess you two are forgetting I'm standing right here and stop fighting like kids."
"Please my lady, I want to propose a marriage to you, I can't live without seeing your beautiful face every day."
"Flattery won't take you anywhere my lord."
"Let's eat now."
Nick almost barked at them as they dramatically talked to each other. They both shared a secret smile they watched nicks visible annoy.
They ate their breakfast with a healthy conversation going on between Aaron and her. She tried to take nick in their conversation but he kept his silence, Aaron was flirting with her all the time and she was politely trying to avoid it.
Soon they finished their breakfast and nick told her to grab her coat so he can drop her to her hospital and she went to her room to get her coat.
"So what do you think about her?"
Nick asked Aaron as soon as Nisha left the room.
"Look nick very few people know have a degree in psychology too and I'm doing this only for you. I don't like profiling people."
"Yes Aaron I know and thank you. However, I also know that you are best in this, you have helped in many military operations but then again no body know about this and I really want to know about her. She is very confusing; I'm not able to understand her."
"It's ok nick I can understand. Look she is a good girl, virgin but she is very awkward around men and it is not because of her virginity it is something else, not so comfortable with physical contacts. She does not talk about her family, she will tell you bits and pieces but not too much. She is very intelligent, have a thorough knowledge about her profession. She has lots of secrets nick and she does not trust anyone that easily. She does have some inferiority complexes about her looks. She is not marrying you because she is scared but because she wants to. You cannot force her doing anything. She lives by her own rules and will so do not try to dominate her. I think that sufficient for now."
"Now I know why you are best."
"You had any doubts before?"
"Not at all mate."
"Well other than this you look well slept. No more night mares?"
"No I slept well soundly yesterday, with her in my arms."
"And that is troubling you, right?"
"Yes... it's been 4 years since i ..."
'I'm ready."
Nick's sentence was long forgotten as he looked into Nisha's direction and all he wanted to do was kiss her senseless.

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