Chapter 37

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Hello lovelies... this is a new update. now this is a special update. it was my birthday on 15th so im in mood of playing, ;). there is a hint in this chapter about something i am planning to do aft this book, whoever catches it first get the dedication in next chap and also i almost forgot. next chap won't be up till 10 dec as i have my final year exams in next week so i really need to study so no update before that... so here it is ... njoy.... ohhh i almost forgot here is the link to Billionaire's Indian Bride page on facebook. plz like it and show your love...;)


For Nisha it was a long and tiring day. Though it was a Saturday she had decided to go to her job just to finish of the paper work. She also managed to achieve the planning of further treatment for some of her patients. She loved her job a lot, being around the children gave her the peace of mind. She was pretty popular among the kids yet sometimes it was very tiring. She came home with a tired mood and much more tired body, a nice warm shower and a comfy bed were calling her. She was greatful for the car Nick had provided her ,it had reduced her travelling time considerably.

Nisha unlocked the door of apartment and walked in, she placed her keys and coat on side table and straight walked into her room. She was happy to be alone sometime as Nick was still in office and treasure was gone for his usual walk with his trainer. She stripped out of her work clothes and entered into the warm shower. She felt her body relaxing as the water hit her body and her mind drifted to last nights events. She blushed crimson red when she remembered their make out session. Her mind started to create its own fantasies of their married life and she couldn't help but blushed more. She smacked her head and warn herself to take out her mind out of a gutter.

She had never felt like this for anyone before, she started to love Nick's company, his naughty remarks, his jokes, his understanding,his care. She wanted to wake up in his arms everyday just like she did today. She could have never predicted that their friendship could reach to this level. She smiled to herself and got out of the shower. She quickly dressed up in navy blue shorts and her favorite T-top. She walked down in hall barefooted and found a man sitting on a couch with his back to her.

Who was he? How did he came in. She taught to herself and a sudden fear crept up in her spine. She walked to the nearest table stealthily and picked up the vase , walked behind him ,ready to swung the vase any movement.

"Who are you?"

She asked the man in a steady voice, she had on intention of showing any kind off a fever to him in her voice. Well she was capable of taking down the three men at least. She saw the man in front of her startling. He jerked up from his seat and turned around. Nisha froze in her spot the moment she saw the face of that man. No ,No this can't be happening, how did he find her. He can't be here, what if he did something to Nick. fear started gripping her, she started shaking,her grip on the vase loosened and it went down crashing on the floor. She was so caught up in her fear that she didn't even realized that Nick had entered the house and there was someone standing behind him.


Nick looked at Nisha worriedly, she had gone pale and was shaking uncontrollably. He had only seen her in that state when he had brought her home after that incidence with her landlord. Who was this man she was so scared of.


Called her loudly hopping to snap out of her trans. He thanked heaven when her head snapped towards him and he saw the relife and fear flashing thoruogh her choclate brown eyes. She ran into his arms in a flash , hugging him for her dear life. He rubbed his hands on her back trying to calm her down and looked up to see the man whom she was scared of.

"Brother, What happened?"

He saw the guilty expression on his brothers face and Nisha visibly stiffened in his arms and she pulled away.


The person behind Nick's back made her presence known for the first time, Nisha looked shocked when she heard the familiar voice.

"D? what are you doing here?"

Nisha asked surprisingly but Divya ignored her question and walked towards Nick's brother. With a 5'4 feet height and nice curvy body Divya had superb confidence in her. Nick saw her walking toward his brother, she stood directly in front of him, with his 6'3 height she had too look up to meet his eyes. She stood there for a moment staring at him and did something he thought no one had a guts to do.


Divya slapped him in a face with so much of a force. Everyone in the room was shocked. He was sure he could hear it if a pin was dropped,

"Mr. Eros Dimitri what the fucking hell do you think of yourself. How dare you try to hurt my friend, was it not satisfying for you that you almost had your men to rape her. Does it ever occur to you, what would have happened if Charles wouldn't have reached there in time. She would have lost her life, her future. Why are you here now? to ruin her life, their future, and all this because she stood up against you, cause she supported YOUR FATHER, WHEN YOU HIS OWN SON THREATENED HIM TO DESTROY ANYONE AND EVERYONE HE LOVED?"

Divya spat out the last words angrily and leaving Nick shocked. He pulled Nisha closer when he realized that it was his own brother who had ordered the molestation of his Nisha. He felt the anger boiling up inside him.

"what ? now cat got your tongue, Mr.Dimitri"

Divya asked mockingly. He looked at his brother for an explanation who was still standing with one hand on his cheek,staring at Divya.

"goiteftikós,eíste apolýtos synarpastikó glykiá mou . ," ( Translation: "fascinating, you are absolutely fascinating sweetheart")

The nerve of the man , Nick lost his cool the moment those words left Eros's mouth. He walked towards him and swung a punch at his face and before anyone could realize he was beating crap out of Eros,

He only stopped when he heard Divya called his name desperately. He turned around to find Nisha on the ground with a bleeding foot, apparently she had stepped over the broken glass of the vase when she ran towards him. Nick rushed towards her and lifted her up bridal style and carried her into the kitchen where Divya and Eros followed them.

He gently placed her onto the counter and took out the first aid kit from the cabinet. After a lot of pleading from Nisha, much to her dislike Divya agreed to tend Eros's injuries who had got few bruises and a cut on the lip because of Nick's beating.

After all the injuries are mended , they all sat around the kitchen table when Nisha ordered Nick to make them some coffee. She had been pretty quite during all these events so when she told them to keep it civilized he did not argue. Once they had their coffee in their hands, Nisha took a sip and looked at Eros and said,



Plz.....Don't kill me. And it is my humble request that don't ask for update, i know you guys love this story but feel bad when i am not able to update and i don't like to keep you guys waiting. this exam is very important for me and updating would be a big distraction so plz understand.... and don't forget about the hint and facebook page and also don't forget to vote,comment and share............. Love you all.... Adios till 10 dec.........

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