Chapter 51

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Nisha tossed and turned in her bed, it has been the fifth day in a row she hasn't been able to sleep at night. Her work and studies have been keeping her busy and exhausted but nights have been sleepless. She hated coming back to an empty house and she wasn't the only one who was miserable. Treasure whined in understanding next to her, she moved closer and draped her arm around him, and snuggled her face in his fur.

"I know, I miss him too. "

She comforted treasure but she felt like bursting into tears. The last five days have been excruciating for her. Nick hasn't been able to text her much. Every time she called him his secretory informed her that he was either busy in a meeting or in some business dinner. The time difference made it difficult for them to connect over a video call or even a normal call. It made her angry and sad at the same time. She understood that his work was important and running a multimillion-dollar company was no joke, and that was exactly the reason why she kept herself busy. She hated missing him, needing him but yesterday when a tabloid posted his photo with some Russian heiress she felt the pang of jealousy that she has never felt before. She hated this feeling, even more, she hated the way that girl was touching his arm and she hated him for smiling at her. Even though Nick texted her explaining that he was accompanying the heiress to some stupid gala as a favor to a business partner she still felt insecure. She couldn't stop thinking how picture-perfect they looked together. She couldn't stop herself from figuring out her place in all of this.

Their relationship which has started as an arrangement had become more. Nick had become more than a arrange marriage partner for her. She was scared of her own feelings and she was even more scared of what the future held for them. These feelings of care. possessiveness, jealousy was not new for her, neither was a feeling of someone becoming her happy place. She has experienced it before and she wanted to keep those memories buried deep inside her. Memories that still broke her heart. She was always sure that "love" wouldn't be a part of the equation for her and Nick, he resented her in the beginning, and even though he cared for her now she was not sure if it was love, she didn't want it to be because she wouldn't be able to reciprocate it, how could she when she love Nick when she loved another for so long.

She decided to get out of bed since sleep has all but eluded her. She switched on her phone which told her that it was 5 am. It was too early for Treasure's walk. She washed her face with cold water. She could feel her migraine coming back, it always does whenever she thought about him. She knew she hadn't been honest with Nick when she told him that there has never been another guy. It was partially true, physical the line she crossed with Nick she never crossed with him but her heart, it beat a little faster whenever she thought about him, he still puts a smile on her face whenever she thought about his quirks. She shook her head as if the action was supposed to remove his memories from her head. She needed to clear her head, She changed into her joggers and put on her shoes, a walk should clear her head. She decided to call in sick at work so she scheduled an email to her boss asking for sick leave before she left a text note to bodyguard nick had appointed for her to take Treasure for a walk. She wasn't in a mood for company and she definitely didn't want her bodyguards to inconspicuously monitor her every move. She grabbed some change to buy a coffee on the way back, She gave Treasure a goodbye kiss and promised him to be back soon when he whined in protest and left the home.

She took a metro to Thames barrier park and sat down on one of the benches facing the river. She had a raging migraine by the time she sat down and she knew she always got those headaches whenever she tried to suppress her emotions and thoughts. She allowed herself to go down that memory lane, just for a little while she promised herself. She would allow herself to think about him, remember him just for a little while.

She still remembered the day she met him for the first time, it was during that year she spent in a hostel away from her family. She needed to leave that house, it wasn't easy for her, staying alone, managing things financially, having no family support whatsoever, It made her tough but that time she spent struggling alone made her value Charles and Mariette more. The time she spent away made her realize how truly alone she was. She always knew that she was the only person who had her back, that she would have to fight alone, stand-alone, yet living with her family gave her the illusion of support. When she decided to stay alone it wasn't well-received but no one objected or stopped her from leaving as well. She would be lying if she said it didn't hurt. She was used to taking care of herself but taking care of herself alone when she was sick, not being able to rely on her parents even for moral support made her heartache. It was not that they offered their support and she refused it was as if they forgot that she even existed. She made a peace with that, she explained to herself that she can't make someone care for her. love her or respect her. She accepted her fate to be alone and she was confident that even a small part of her heart ached for a companion she would be okay even if she didn't find him, that she would be able to take care of herself, that she would face anything life throws at her even if she has to stand alone.

He came into her life when she was content in being alone, he walked in her life when she was happy in solitude and he made her realize what it would be to have a companion. His memories always brought her pain yet that was the time she truly felt at home, him being in her life made her happy. In their first meeting she thought of him as a mere child and why wouldn't she, he was younger than her by 3 years after all. All 6 ft tall, broad shoulders, strong arms, curly hair, innocent smile, and mischievous eyes hiding behind those big round glasses, he gave pretty much of an immature teenager's impression to her. Somehow even in his boyish charm, she felt a hint of maturity hiding behind those eyes, which she very well experienced later.

It was definitely not love at first sight, she didn't fell in love with his charming boy next door looks but she fell in love with who he was with her. He knew the glimpse of her life yet he never treated her like a broken doll to be fixed, he listened to her problems whenever she chooses to share them not to give her a solution but to be a listening ear. Unlike many other guys who saw her as someone who needed to be rescued or who pitied her because of her problems, he chose to see the strength in her. She has always been an outspoken person, where many guys considered her honesty as a sign of easy or loose character, he respected her. Even when she confessed her feelings to him on a whim he didn't take an advantage of her neither he lied to her just to sleep with her. He would make her smile after a bad day or order her favourite food to cheer her up. He would be so daft at times yet he would show so much care at times that it would make her heart wish for things she couldn't have. He would bring out a kid in her while at times he would act like a kid himself that would bring a maternal instinct out of her she didn't even know existed.

He was the first person she felt possessive over, the only person she would get jealous over if anybody touched him or if he paid too much attention to another girl. He was the only person she was so protective of that she couldn't even bear the thought of hurting him. He was everything she wished her partner to be yet he was everything she couldn't have, He became her happy place, her home, Someone she trusted, someone who without even realising gave her the strength to fight, he gave her hope that good things do exist, someone who wasn't scared of her anger, he became a person she wanted to rest her head on his shoulder and let go, what she felt for him wasn't something purely physical, it wasn't all lust, she hardly thought about him in a sexual sense but he was someone, she wanted to wake up with every day for the rest of her life yet he became her biggest pain, for her feelings even though were appreciated but never reciprocated.

Her destiny, her life has been cruel to her for her time with him was too short, he left a bit too soon for she loved him a bit too much but what she could say to him was way too little. How could she give her heart to Nick when she left it back with him, how can she make her home when in her heart he was her home. How could she love Nick when she loved him all along. How was she supposed to tell Nick about him when she couldn't even tell him that she loved him. She would be the biggest coward for marrying Nick and not telling Nick about him. Nick had a right to know that her heart belongs to someone else and all these feelings that she has been having about Nick are just care and respect. She contemplated over it a long time about how she was supposed to tell a man she was about to marry that she might not be able to love him ever.

Hi guys,I know it's been a long time but do let me know what you think about this update. I'm excited to hear from you guys. Do like and comment. Xoxo

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