(Pt. 24) Free Fall

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A loud snap forced his reality into focus, only for his mouth to fall agape at who was at the other end of the feathered blade.

Short black hair glossed over the grossest cuts everywhere, exposing his pale, burned skin. Transparent blue flames pointed threateningly down at Keigo. Flame licked fingers trailed over his neck, barely scratching the sensitive skin. The searing heat licked his sweaty skin, covering the skin with red splotches.

His chest heaved with heavy breaths as he stared down at him. Eyes wide and pinning him to the ground. Keigo grabbed his arms, yanking him off.

"Get off me." Turning over, he stumbled on getting up. His limbs were noodles; he no longer had enough strength. Not thirty seconds ago, Saki was the one with a blood-coated knife at his throat.

Now he was the one in pain that didn't exist a minute ago. He pushed himself up onto his knees, barely able to contain nausea rolling around in his gut. The red-tinted wings pulled tightly against his back.

"Shove those flames up your ass."

The boy stuck his tongue out playfully before his expression melted into concern. A finger pointed at him. "I don't think we have time to worry about that."

Confusion overtook his mind before he registered what he meant behind him. Keigo's entire body is seemingly faced through reality. He glanced. Hopefully, he didn't pull a muscle.

What he found forced his blood to simmer to a boil.

Saki's small form held their beaten one by the throat. Blood ran down their face, soaking their hair and clothes. Their mouth barely opened to mutter words he couldn't make out. Saki reeled back and slammed their back into the water container. Head whiplashing against the metal.

Cries of pain fell from her lips in the dozens, loud enough to breach deaf ears.

Keigo scrambled off the ground, his heart stammering against his collarbone. His limbs fumbled beneath his weight, vermillion wings dragging against the floor. Moving his limbs to coordinate with another took more effort than he was willing to admit.

Step by step, he closed the large gap.

Saki's screams of betrayal echoed in his ears repeatedly. She slams their back and broken wings into the water container each time.

A broken smile curled on their lips, dripping a mix of blood and saliva. Keigo was so close; he just wanted them safe within his arms. Was that too much to ask? Within inches, their shaking hand reached out. Bloodied fingertips could barely intertwine with another before they were ripped away.

"I don't need your pity." Saki hissed, throwing them to the ground. They bent over as if someone punched them in the stomach, clear tears poking out of their eyes.

He roughly shoved Saki out of the way. The female stumbled forwards but kept her back facing him.

Keigo's arm reached out, offering his hand. The disoriented glanced between his hand and his eyes, deciding on the latter. Their hand slid within his own just as their boot caught Saki's foot. Their body stumbled backward, dragging his aching form with him.


His stomach landed snugly against the short wall that kept them from falling from the balcony. A foot landed on his back, squishing his organs against the cold concrete.

"Won't you die with the slut, Pathetic scum?" Before he could grasp the concrete to steady himself, his palm slid against the material, tearing his skin.

The weight alone yanked his arm out of reach of anything. He glanced between Saki's crooked smile and (y/n)'s pleading eyes back up at him. He had little grip on their hand, slipping centimeter by centimeter.

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