(Pt. 11) Morning Deceptions

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The light streamed through the big windows coating the room in golden light. (y/n) awoke with warmth all around; it seeped into their body. Groggily, their arms reached up and tugged whatever was such a warm closer.

Gradually, they figured out that it was Keigo that was so warm. They nuzzled into his bare chest with slightly pink cheeks and slipped one of their legs in among his own. There was a soft faint heartbeat thudding in their ear. It was oddly calming. To them, the heartbeat was something intimate.

There was a slight content hum coming from them. Keigo's arms wrapped around their frame, one hand tangled up and into their (h/c) locks. Their primary form was heating at the thought of what occurred in the late hours of the night. Their mind was still replaying those events all over again.

"... Lu... Lumin..." They called. It was the pup's breakfast time, and (y/n) needed to get up. It took a lot more effort than they were willing to admit to separate themselves from the sleepy clinging bird. It didn't make it better when he held onto them tighter.

It took a few minutes for them to untangle themselves from him. But, surprisingly, they did it without waking him up. Then, before leaving the room with the pup, they pulled back Keigo's hair and placed a loving kiss on his forehead.

Taking an extra blanket, they wrapped it around their body. Bathing suits were still dripping wet on the floor where they had been dropped the night before. They picked them up and tossed them over the towel rack in the main bathroom.

With a sigh, they dug around for their clothes but couldn't find them. They didn't see the strength to search for them; they just grabbed the oversized shirts on the ground and pulled them on. Sure it barely covered anything and rose to about their upper thigh.

Their sore body walked out the door with an excited Lumin following behind. The tiny healing wings almost were hidden within the folds of the oversized shirt that hung off one of their shoulders. They stumbled into the kitchen with a yawn, running a hand through their messy (h/c) locks.

They found the dog food underneath the many spaces within a few moments. The kitchen was rather large. It wasn't easy to find at first. The small dog barked as he started to eat happily. Shuffling around, they make their food. Breakfast was pretty much the only thing they were good at.

Opening the fridge, they grabbed four of the eggs, sprinkled cheese, and butter. This was something that their mom made for them often.

Grabbing a pan, they lit the fire and let the butter melt before cracking each egg. Softly, they hummed, locked out of heaven while they cooked. Then, pulling out their phone, they pulled it up and let the upbeat music flood the kitchen. Their hands moved nimbly to find a spatula once the eggs were cooked to perfection.

The words leave their lips as (y/n) starts to cook bacon. While the bacon is cooked, they put the bread into the toaster. Their body danced slightly while they grabbed the spices.

Once the toast was made, they placed the cheese on the bread, letting it melt until perfection. Then, carefully they placed two eggs on each. Before adding the spices to the eggs, they put the bacon on a different plate.

They sang, now giving Lumin a piece of bacon. Just as the song ended, they finished breakfast. They then flipped to a different tune, now dancing and singing to can't stop the feeling.

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