(Pt. 19) Soothing Darkened Walls

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Within the hour, their boots touched the excellent concrete of the hospital where Dobi was already waiting.

It was a rather large rooftop with a single entryway. It seemed relatively empty except for the small amount of construction material. Their wings are pressed against their back to keep the light refraction minimum.

"Boys, please be aware of their quirks. Hawks and I know how they work, but if you see anyone other than us, it's not real." They sighed.

The shimmer of their wings faded as the group entered the shadow of the entrance. Lightly, they gripped the handle and opened the door. It creaked on its hinges that opened up into a dark stairwell.

It smelled slightly of alcohol and construction. It was a pungy scent. Keigo intertwined their hand with his and led the group down the halls. Dabi stuck to the left side of the stairwell, using his flames as a light.

The blue flames danced against the walls as the group descended the stairs. Just as the group reached the bottom, where an ominous door awaited, a feeling began to bubble up inside their chest.

Behind this door, they were going to come face to face with someone who had attempted to tear their lives apart.

Well, either Hero, villain, or citizen. It depends on how who was telling the story.

They reached out to the cold handle, hesitating slightly. Then, a hand gripped their shoulder. (y/n) gingerly looked back to see Keigo with a very concerned expression.

One emotion was swirling in his amber eyes.

"Just make sure that this-" He pointed to the feather hidden behind the sweatshirt. Out of the corner of their eye, Dabi was just fake puking to himself.

"You dammed chicken, never thought you'd be so cheesy." They shot a warning glare.

Slowly, the door creaked open to show the dark hallways of the new hospital.

Their wings relaxed slightly, studying the space. The hallway was empty except for the small amount of pre-placed medical supplies.

"Okay, this is the roof access floor, most main hospitals have one, but this is rather small with a 15,000 sq foot space. The three locations are down these ways." (y/n) pointed down the two different halls that split at the doors.

"I'll go that way. Just a warning, if I run into the chick, she's dead." Dabi huffed and walked off down the left hallway.

Keigo sighed and slid his hand into theirs. He dragged them down the halls without a word.

"Hawks... Are you alright?" They whispered, careful not to let their voice ring out. Slowly, he turned back. All they could see with the limited light in the room was his shadowed form, except for the slightest glint in his amber eyes.

"(y/n)... Listen to me very carefully, okay?" They nodded. In a swift motion, he pulled them into a hug. "Don't hesitate to let me know exactly where you are when you find trouble."

Based on how they could hide in this building, somewhere close to the second floor, fire escapes. That way, they could run if the heroes came to find them.

Once the door to the stairways came into view, they finally let go of his hand. This parting wasn't for long, just enough so they could survey the floors.

So, they kept walking. Although their palms were sweating, they still dared to keep walking forwards. Maybe this was why (y/n) never could be a hero.

The sound of their boots clicking against the new tile of the floor. The darkness crawled up the walls and spilled all over the floor. It felt like it was something to fear, to tread carefully.

(y/n) shook their head, trying to clear out negative thoughts. The small echoes of the heaters and others moving about the building set them on edge.

One room after the next was empty, making it seem ominous. "That's the last one on this floor... Time to move." 

"Hehehehe, looky, a little lost dove." Their wings spread outward but stopped when someone grabbed the sensitive nerves at the base.

They hissed in pain. A hand pushed them firmly against the door and pressed her body into theirs.

"Well, let's have some fun with your favorite little hero, yes?" Her hand slowly traced the back of their jawline until she hooked it around the feather necklace.

"Shut it. You have no right to mess with people's lives." (y/n) hissed. Saki cackled and pulled their hair.

"Say that again. You're no hero; you have no power to stop us..." She yanked their head backward until they could see the dead glint in her black eyes.

"So take a nap, Zaki."

Without warning, she smashed their forehead into the door. The splitting pain on their forehead slowly faded along with their consciousness.

But as a student with no mental control over their quirk, they're utterly helpless.

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