(Pt. 14) Illusion

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Their abdomen pushed into the carpet, its itchy threads pushing into their face. Their heart-rate skyrocketed; it thudded heavily in their ears, drowning out pleading voices.

A foot slid against their back, planting them against it. All breath in their lungs slowly squeezed out.

Out of the corner of their eye sat the Vermilion feather, completely dry.

"What's your mumbling about? Last words to your pigeon?"

Their throat crumpled underneath the pressure, only for it to release—all the tension and feeling of fear leaked from their body.

Although their throat felt stiff, most of the air in their lungs returned. "So... You resorted to these tactics?" (Y/n) stood. They plucked the large red feather from the carpet, pointing it to the stranger's neck.

Its features resembled Hawks in almost every way, except for the black bleeding teeth and red eyes. They watched him cower beneath them.

"Of course. You'd ignore us otherwise."

They grabbed the image's shirt, yanking him close enough to smell the iron-rich blood. "What are you after?"

"Those who can right wrongs start cities and countries from ash. I may not be real, but that tranquilizer is." The feather sliced through his neck, forcing him to vanish into a poof of smoke.

A pained grunt echoed through the illusions of deceased smoke. From the sound, it was Hawks.

A dart lodged itself within the exposed part of his neck. A green liquid mixed with blood dripped down his neck. The large wings dropped, ultimately going limp. Those amber eyes rolled back as he went limp, crashing to his knees.

He was cursing underneath his breath, his hand shakily trying to remove the dart. They crossed the short distance, catching Hawks' body from smacking face-first into a coffee table.

(y/n) removed the dart from his neck. The sliver tip was coated in a sort of green liquid.

Kuro jumped over a section of the couch, running out the door. Loud strings of curses were left behind in her wake.

"I swear! If you come near my home again, I'll revoke your shin privileges! Fucking asshole!"

They stared dead ahead, tightly grasping Hawks' unconscious state. "What... the... fuck?" The dogs went quiet, Lumin alerting from behind the pin.

Kuro slowly walked back in, a scratch stretching down her arm. "Fuck. I lost them. Not as fast as I used to be." Her gaze trailed to Hawks and (y/n) on the ground. He lay on their shoulder, completely unconscious. They stared ahead, dissociated and in shock.

Kuro walked over and knelt in front of them. "Hey. Hey, are you here? Here with me?" (y/n) blankly glanced around until they met their mother's gaze.

"Alright. I'll take that as a no." Carefully, she moved Hawks, so he rested on the floor. Kuro grabbed Lumin and placed the pup in their lap.

"Take your time coming back, sweetie. I get it; that was tough."

"What in the fuck is this?" Kuro picked up the dart from (y/n)'s limp fingers. Taking a feather, she dragged the needle across it. Immediately, the neurological connection between the feathers dissipated.

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