(Pt.21) Uso

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The door slowly creaked open. The light trickled in a while someone slowly stepped into the room.

A cold hand reached down and forcibly took their chin. The girl stared, an uncomfortable grin growing on her face towards the unconscious.

Saki yanked their rope so hard their back was on the floor, hands above their head. A heel connected with their chest, pressing down until there was a loud crack.

Saki pulled a single dagger and traced it along (y/n)'s cheek. Minutes passed by, and the number of cuts grew.

The pressure on their chest increased until blood trickled down their pale lips.

Saki stood, using her other foot to kick their side, sliding them across the bar floor until their back hit the bar seat's metal pole.

"And here you are, little psychopath-"

Saki's heel clicked against the tile, echoing endlessly in the silence. Long black bangs traced over equally black eyes staring on into the void.

Her lips curled into a toothy grin. "And here you are, flying rat."

Hiko stepped forwards, closing the door with her boot. Arms crossed and a well pissed-off expression.

"The only rat I see around here is you."

Saki ignored the taunt. She grabbed (y/n)'s arm, dragging them toward the corner of the room. "Heh, like I care what you have to say, rat. Why are you here anyways? To save that pathetic excuse of a hero?"

A feather sliced across Saki's hand. Black eyes met with haunting amber ones. Almost as if she were suddenly drowning in a firey sky, unable to get enough air no matter how hard she tried.

"If you dare call my brother pathetic in front of me, you'd be making a lethal mistake. I will not hesitate to end your life because I'm much more robust than you ever could be.-"

She hesitantly took a step forward, ignoring the girl. Behind her, a shadow formed; it smiled all too knowingly.

"You all are just... so... idiotic. You're all getting in the way of my plans." Saki stomped, crossing her arms across her chest. She took notice of the littering scars all over her body, long messy hair pulled into a braid. She was confident, too confident.

"Your plan is destined to fail. All villain's plans eventually crumble to the ground. And so will yours." Hiko grinned. "You're a pathetic weakling compared to the rest of us, so you might as well give up now."

Arms pressed against Saki's tummy as she laughed, loud and unbothered. Her knees buckled, echoing the laughter against the walls.

"Hahaha, your words are but dust in my wake. (y/n) will be mine again, " she grabbed a fistful of (y/n)'s hair. In a heartbeat, a sharp blade pressed against her tender flesh. "And so will Ryuu. Everything will be fine. Just get out of my way!"

A single black feather hovers in the center of her palm, feeling the growing sensation in her gut grow. This woman was crazy.

"Huh. I see what this is. You're just jealous that your so-called best friend found themselves a new boy toy. I had a feeling you were the jealous type."

Saki clenched the blade until a thick liquid oozed from her palm. Her mouth twisted into a frown.

"Shut your mouth slut! The hawks got in the way of everything!" Her arms flee about as if she were a toddler having a meltdown. All the while, she was yelling at people who weren't there. "I'm just trying to set everything the way it was before. Ryuu got what was coming to him, and now it's (y/n)'s turn!"

Hiko's gut sank further through more she rambled on. Was she willing to drag multiple innocent lives down so that Saki could live her fucking fantasy? "You're nothing but a fucking psycho! You deserve to rot in the bottomless pit of hell for all the damage and trauma you've caused!"

Saki slammed a foot. "Haven't you been listening?! I'm willing to do anything, including ending that hero with the very thing he loves so much-" she turned around, throwing the knife at a wall.

"Shut up! I'm talking! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" After a moment, she collected herself. "Speaking of which, his puny little heart should be shattered into pieces by now."

That's when her heart sank to her gut." What the hell are you doing to him?!"

"I'm tearing his heart apart piece. By. Piece. Until there's nothing left but fear. No more Sage and no more little miss Hiko." She giggled with a twisted grin.

"How the hell do you know my name?!"

"Haha... I have my ways, and you... A little wanna-be villain."

All the blood in her body boiled, and her fists clenched tightly. "Call me a villain again, and I'll make sure your head ends on a silver platter for a fucking Nomu."

"I'd like to see you try, little-"

The door next to them suddenly swung open. Thinking quickly, Hiko grabbed Saki and pressed her back against the wall, effectively stopping her in her tracks. Hiko held the blade up to her throat and quietly watched.

"I swear I heard you in here! Stop playing with me!"

It was Hawks, mascara running down his cheeks, soaked with blood and burned parts on his jacket. He stops in the center once his eyes land on (y/n)'s unconscious form. "W-wait... Sage? Why are you both in here?"

"Shit, shit, shit."

Hiko takes advantage and pins Saki to the wall. "T-Take Sage and run, Keigo! Go!"

He rapidly turns, looking for his sister but finds nothing.

"W-what! I won't leave you here wounded like this! Not again... Not again. I don't want to lose you for a third time."

"You aren't going to lose me, you idiot! We've been over this!" Using a set of feathers, she drags them out of the room, clear out of Saki's reach.

"Get out of here and run!" Hiko plunges the feathered blade into her leg. She was determined to end her sad little life. "You aren't getting out of here alive!"

Saki grunts, trying to push the heavier female off. "Get the fuck off me, you slut! Saki grabs a fistful of hair and slams her head against the wall. A splotchy bruise appeared on her forehead.

"Damnit. You won't. G-get away with this." She cut along Saki's ankle, earning a kick to the stomach.

"I think I will. Now, take a nap." Saki grabbed a fistful of blonde hair and slammed her forehead against the concrete wall again, forcing everything to go dark.

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