(Pt. 10) Something Unexpected

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WARNING: 18+ scene


They twisted their body awkwardly to check the progress Hawks had with their wings. The tiny wings had grown in size. Unfortunately, they were small and fragile to the point where someone could put little force on them, and they would crack. This was the extreme downside of the ability. The crystal would be weak, not thick enough to protect the nerves. It would take close to a month for the wings to return to normal.

"Hey Hawks?" (y/n) called from over their shoulder Lumin in their lap. "What is it, Kid?" He answered. Hawks looked up from examining and cleaning their wings. One of his fingertips brushed against a nerve, making them bite back any sounds from slipping through.

"Y-you done?" They asked him to check the nerves on their wings to see if any had been damaged, but now he was practically playing with them. A knowing smirk traced his lips. He wrapped his arms around them to pull them against his body without warning. Their cheeks heated with a deeper red.

"Yup, all clear, Baby bird."

They looked at him from their spot. "Just because my small wings don't make me a baby bird." Hawks loved the pink that sprinkled across their cheeks.

"I'd say it does... Baby bird." they placed the palm of their hand on his face and pushed him away jokingly.

"I'm getting in the hot tub; join me or not, up to them, chicken."

With Lumin at their heels, they walked into the bathroom and changed into a bathing suit. they found it quiet... OK, but I would rather wear an oversized T-shirt instead. They pulled out their phone, which cracked on the screen as they finished.

"That's... Strange," they muttered, now seeing absolutely nothing from Saki or her Boyfriend Ryuu. Usually, they would blow up their phone, asking if they were OK. The explosion in their apartment building had killed four people and injured thirteen. Their mother was blowing up their phone instead.

A bad feeling sank into their stomach as they walked outside towards the hot tub. The concrete was cold on their feet, and the wind whipped their exposed body until they shivered. That just made them want to move faster.

Once there, they found the chicken wing already in the hot tub. Steam poured from the sizzling water making an inviting aura. Hawks looked at them with a smirk. Unknown to them, his eyes were devouring their figure, taking in every bit he could.

Lumin kept himself busy on the terrace while they started to climb in. Hawks reached a handout. "Need help, Kid?" They took it with a smirk, not minding what he had in mind.

He surprisingly helped them into the water with no tricks up his sleeve. Taking a seat next to him, they looked out into the view. Hawks did take notice of their shift in mood. "Kid, come here." they looked over their shoulder to see him patting the spot next to him.

Knowing they couldn't say no, they stood and moved closer. A hand shot around their waist and pulled them onto his lap. Abloom of color spread across their cheeks. "What's wrong, Baby Bird? You look conflicted."

(y/n) had been here only for two days, and it wasn't bad. It bothered them that Saki had been acting differently ever since Hawks had shown up. It's not like it affected their friendship.

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