(Pt. 13) Help

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Stepping out of the shower, (y/n) threw a towel on. The shower was relaxing, but their mind wouldn't stop about the capacity of those abilities.

Lumin hopped down from the bed and walked towards them, his tail happily wagging. Would it be safe for their puppy to be around them anymore? Their heart sunk, speaking that it wasn't safe for him. They knelt and pulled him into their arms.

"I'm sorry, Lumin... You're going to grandma's." Would Hawks be willing to take them, or would they have to take the train?

Lumin whimpered. "Jari is there, though; you can't be that sad." Then, at the sound of (y/n)'s mother's dog's name, he regained some excitement.

Releasing the small pup from their arms, they dug through the drawers to find clothes to wear. All of their previous ones were burned or buried in the explosion, so Hawks did his best and let them buy new ones. Pulling on a sweatshirt, they pushed the tiny wings through the openings before pulling on a pair of pants. Satisfied with the choice, they brushed the wet mess atop their head. When the (h/c) locks didn't behave, they decided to pull on a beanie and tuck the stray strands away.

Grabbing Lumin's harness, they slipped it over his tiny head and pulled his paws through. They held the other set of keys off the counter and the new phone with a sigh. (y/n) could only hope he wasn't too busy at the moment.

The old phone would have worked fine, but he insisted on it. Frankly, he didn't give them a choice. Saying something about his Baby bird's phone might break when they needed him.

Lumin squirmed in their arms as they pulled out the phone. Clicking on his name and anxiously waited for the ringing to end.

After a few rings, a tired voice echoed on the other end. "Miss me already, Kid?"

They chuckled. "Totally; when are you coming back?" Lumin barked in their arms as he managed to squirm away.

"Kid, turn around..."

Hawks was standing on the porch tapping on the glass. Then, he opened the door with a wolfish grin and walked inside.

"Oh, good timing. I need them to take me to Mustafa." His arms wrapped around their frame. He held them bridal style. Then, instinctively, they wrapped their arms around him to not fall.

"I missed you, Kid." The two vermilion wings wrapped around them as he placed a rushed kiss on their lips. (y/n) pulled away with a grin.

"Well, nice to see you too. Take me to Musutafu?" Then, carefully, he set them down and looked outside. Sure it was late, but Hawks knew they wouldn't ask him to take them somewhere without reason.

"Sure. Just let me change first." The male vanished around the corner for a few minutes, only to reappear with a heavier jacket, jeans, and a black V-neck shirt.

He grabbed their hand, dragging them to the terrace. (y/n) held Lumin in their arms before their feet left the hard concrete.

"Slow down!" They screamed, seeing how they were going. (y/n) had never flown this fast and certainly wasn't used to it. Hawks only chuckled and held them even closer.

The city beneath them flew by in a blur, saying he would fast for their eyes to keep up.

"Part of the Hawks Express! Deal with it, Kid."

They glanced up to see him and his shit-eating grin. Their hand slapped over his face. The 5 O'clock shadow felt scratchy, but his skin was surprisingly soft. "Hey! Not fair." With his warm breath on their hand, he removed it to see.

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