(Pt. 15) Beach House

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The fatigue hit them like a truck while riding to the beach cabin. Hawks was still unconscious, his head resting on their lap.

And yet, the anxiety in them hadn't quelled. Instead, it festered in their chest, tightening their airways and making their mind run rampant.

Greenery rushed by in blurs of colors, taking their mind off it for once. Their hand rested on the blonde strands, gently playing with them between their fingertips. Here they were, so targeted and vulnerable. And now, their parents were dragged into it. It felt as if the guilt would never leave.

Their eyes fluttered shut. The anxiety increased with the looming darkness at the back of their mind. Soon, the car came to a soft halt in front of a remote cabin. Headlights flickered off as the engine cooled. Both parents climbed out of the front seats.

"My... looks like they're clocked out. Mind carrying them inside?" Kirian asked. Kuro nodded, opening the car door. Then, carefully, she gathered (y/n) into her arms, much like when they were younger and scared.

Kirian unlocked the door, opening the way for his wife and child to walk through. He watched as she placed them on the upper floor bed and pulled a blanket over them.

He walked outside and gathered an unconscious Hawks from the back seat. He carried him inside and placed him down on the downstairs couch.

He sighed, taking off his hat and plopping into a bar seat. Kuro walked downstairs, worry and anger seething in her eyes.

"Honey, calm down." She raised her hands in defense.

"How can I be calm when some sick bastard tried to murder my baby? I'm fucking upset Kirian!"

He stood, running his hands down her shoulders, and pulled her into a hug. "I know... trust me, I won't let them get away with it either. But, right now, we need a plan to act on."

She gazed up at her husband. "Then I get to murder?" Kirian giggled. "Yes, then murder."


A pounding thudded against their eardrums, accompanied by the sound of faint ocean waves. The scent of salt tickled their nose the further they came out of their unconscious state. Slowly, they sat up, not bothering to open their eyes. Their (e/c) eyes opened only to stare blankly at the crisp white sheets.

"Oh..." Shifting, they tumbled out of bed and gazed into the dark cabin. From the little light beaming through the windows, it was pretty late.

Making their way downstairs, (y/n) found Hawks laying still on the couch. The large vermilion wings draped over his body, providing little coverage. And yet, he looked so peaceful. All of his features relaxed, and the faint scar was highlighted in the limited light.

It was odd. How could someone like him get so attached? Was it because he felt safe around them?

Their fingertips brushed against the huey skin. It was soft yet littered with micro scars. Something is only seen up close. They couldn't help but wonder, what story did he tell? Everyone had them. (y/n) There was no exception; faint lines were traced around the delicate wings—a dim reminder of what their younger self carried.

They stared at the tiny scars, tracing their fingers over the faint lines. They lay scattered across his arms and shoulders. A large scar lay on his cheek. It stretched down his jawline towards his shoulder. They've wondered what could have done this. A battle? Or something more personal...?

Every time they studied it while he was conscious, he'd awkwardly brush the topic away or laugh to avoid it. They didn't know much about him, yet he didn't know much about them.

In a way... It was alright.

In the short time he abruptly crashed into their life, he gave it the excitement it had been lacking. Not that it had been boring-just lacking a thrill. He was brash and ill-mannered and took the time to ensure those around him were cared for.

The peaceful look Hawks' face installs a strange kind of peace—the lighthearted approach in front of the seriousness he takes with everything.

Their head rested on the couch, gently holding onto his pinky finger. His hand was warm within theirs. It calms a part of anxiety in them that hadn't been quelled.

Their gaze drifted towards the darkness of the sea through the windows. The moonlight spilled over the rolling waters. Finally, their eyes fluttered shut, and all they wanted was a straightforward wish.

To stay at peace, with Keigo by their side. But, of course, they didn't think that was too much to ask for, was it?

(y/n) leaned against the couch, letting their head rest against it while they held Hawks' hand. It did little comforting to their situation, but it helped. It became quiet in the cabin. Just their runaway thoughts and light breaths could be heard over the silence. 

For a little bit, they enjoyed the silence. It was a change from the crowded apartment building and campus. And so, they drifted off into the sweet release of sleep. 


Seconds ticked by into minutes. Keigo was startled from the realm of sleep. His body ached right down to his bones. Soft clicks echoed in the silent darkness. The location he resided in didn't register within his memory.

He pushed up, feeling the internal aching from the vermillion wings. Within a second, he found a familiar feather pressed against the tender flesh of his throat. Warm breath brushed against his ear, flowing down his neck. 

"You twit, why did you drag an innocent person into this?" 

His entire body tensed as his tired mind recognized the voice. The moon backlights the shadow of the 6.9-meter wingspan. Cold sweat trickled down the side of his neck. 
She sighed, barely lifting the pressure from his throat. 

"You know, I've been watching you for some time, and how close you've grown with," The sharpened black feather barely grazed against the (s/t) skin. "This little bird. And I've grown quite curious."

He forced a dry gulp down. "Thought you had died  months ago; I buried your body." The vivid images came rushing back, and all the pain, heartache, and grievance returned. "Why mention (y/n)? Why are you even alive...? Or do I see things from the tranqlizer?" 

Without hesitation, a sharp feather shoved its way into his thigh, her hand clamped around his mouth, muffling his pained grunt. "Does this feel real to you, jackass?" She sighed, removing her cold fingers. "And what you buried wasn't my body but a clone made by someone you'd know quite well." 

His body ultimately relaxed, seeing someone so close rise from the dead. But why follow them here? "So? Are you working with those people?" 

She giggled against his ear. "Oh dear brother, how foolish you are." The feathered blade removed itself from the tender flesh of his neck. "I do things of my reasoning, and I don't need to explain myself to you, traitor." 

He chuckled nervously. "How exactly is that? You're my younger sister. I would have burned the commission down for you if you hadn't died." The girl stepped away from behind him and walked into the open air. The little light hinted at the girl's new features. 

"Ha, like you ever would. You say you'd burn it down. Yet all that talk is just words." She grinned almost painfully, covering her eye with a free hand. "Yet here you are obeying its commands of your own volition." 

Keigo stood, his blood simmering to a boil. "Why would I fucking do that? That stupid government forced us to and forced me with your death." 

Her form stiffened. "Whatever, I'm only here to say, this is bigger than that little bird, and it involves many people. Get ready for a fight, my dear brother."

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