(Pt. 25) BabyBird

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Amongst the flames seeped a white light. Atop the roof, her body lay burned and broken. There she waited for her life flood out of her body. Oh so slowly it did. A burning pain spread through their limbs.

"So... Do you understand?"

Her black gaze stared up at a God. One no one could touch. One she longed to for years, and now it was within her grasp.

Long whispy fingers reached out and stroked her burned skin. Flames reaching high into the sky.

"Your mind, judgment, salvation all for not. You've burned your chances and reality for a sweet lie."

Smoke filled her lungs, burns stretching to her core. What did it mean?

"We Tenshi are not the gods you perceive us as. Our Tecai are protective of our kind, yet unleashed, will widdle the high races to zero."

Her vision coated with amber flames, smoke filling her lungs. The more she held onto life, the more it slipped through her charred fingers.

"The line in-between the two had become blurred. You no longer cared. You'll do what you can. Even if you had to burn the reality we rest in."

The figure faded into the smoke, leaving her and the dreams she carries to turn into ash.

"Awaken now, for your wings have been clipped and sorrow sewn into your heart. Take this as a apology my dear child. May you and the boy not physically suffer again."

(y/n) awoke suddenly-body, shivering violently at the contact with the cold air. A white mist slowly faded from their vision, vanishing into the navy sky above.

It is barely being able to move, not just because of the aches and pains. Every muscle had seized up. (y/n)'s body is struggling to recover, to repair the damage.

Their throat was dry and sore. Dry enough to match the cotton of their shirt or the sandpaper running down wood. Arms and legs curled against their abdomen, attempting to keep any warmth and feel like ice crawled along any exposed skin until they were frozen. A cold rain drenched their body, forcing a shudder down their spine. Fresh cut grass tickled their nose.

Faint echoes of whines sounded beyond the thudding behind their skull and the ringing in their ears.

Their heavy eyes pried open. A blurry world never came into focus; splotches of grey rain softly splattered onto their sensitive skin.

(y/n)'s breath was nearly gone, any less air and they thought death was imminent. It was heavy, the weight on their chest ever so slowly suffocating.

To the side, a whine sounded beyond the ringing in their ears. A blurred white blob sat there, licking their cheek. Was he even real? The whining echoed so clearly in their foggy mind.

Hair tickled their neck; twitching red feathers drifted past their face. They could barely drag their worn arms across the wet grass to prop themselves up.

Bright blue flames arose from every window of the building. Steam rose high into the sky, accompanied by loud crackling embers. The colors rose to challenge the sky above, consuming a place to rest. Blue and red lights flashed onto the clouds from some distance away.

It was ghost quiet, nothing but the heated embers and blistering flames dying in the late-night rain; a shrill shriek ripped through the air, setting their entire being on edge.

Their stomach churned as the dying sound faded into the torrent rain-a scream of the mouth and lungs and a cry of the soul.

(y/n)'s heart thudded against their ribcage, threatening to jump into their throat. Instinctively, a hand rose to their chest to calm the rapid pace.

Instead of their skin's wet, cool texture, their hand met a matted sticky one. They were pulling their hand away, barely able to see past the blurriness coating their vision.

A layer of coagulated blood lay in their palm, barely illuminated by the glowing cinders dying in the rain.

Once blonde hair was matted and bloodied. Still, like death, he lay there on their chest. Red tinted feathers lay scattered around their shattered flight.

Their throat grew tight, eyes burning with realization. (y/n) stared at him, laying still before them. Tears came as if their pain had finally condensed into a deluge of rain.

Lumin licked his damaged skin, barking loud enough to hear above the rain.

Sirens echoed overhead, drilling into their rampant mind. Indeed they were here to fight the simmering fire just a few feet away.

Their hands shook, staring at the blood dripping down their arm. His name was uttered breathlessly through their cold teeth.

"... Keigo?"

Amidst the rain, black feathers filled the air. They followed the trail of the feathers. It was a girl. Enormous black wings painted a shadow over, yet, they didn't feel she was dangerous. Even so, the intensity of the glare sent shivers shooting down their spine. A tattered Ryuu lay battered and bruised stay limp in her arms. Blood trickled down his lips and shallow breaths condensed into fog.

Their bruised arms wrapped around Hawks' and the person just hovered above. A single black feather glimmered in the dying fire's light, fluttering until it rested against his back.

"Who.. Are you?"

The girl crossed her arms as her lips pursed. Then, finally, she hesitatingly answered in a guilt-filled voice.

"I'd be the fool if I had let my brother die right in front of me."

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