(Pt. 7) Hallucination

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The phone constantly buzzed in their pocket, yet they paid it no mind. Saki had been acting strangely for a while now, and they had no idea why. So, they planned to ignore her until she started making sense again.

It became the only noise to accompany the drizzling of the rain. Neon lights flashed onto the wet concrete, alluring no one to their business.

Typically, this street would be lively. Street vendors were selling takoyaki or sweets, people rushing back and forth.

The rain bounced off their black rain jacket and wings. A nervousness ate away at their insides. (y/n) stopped, staring down the street lamps. A single person other than themselves rested underneath it.

Bleached through wings held no color, messy and wet (h/c) hair stuck to their face as they stared on. A smile, far too broad, stretched on their face.

In an instant, a pair of black eyes stared dead-on into theirs. Bleeding gums dripped down a set of tight lips.

A razor-sharp monochrome feather pointed at their neck far too close for comfort. Their hands turned cold and clammy, crystal wings wrapping around them for a bit of distance.

They giggled, voices warped like a TV with a bit of signal. "I'm... Always-... Belong to me... (y/n)."

Their throat dried as if cotton was pressed back into them. A hand, fingers extended, and boney gripped their face harshly. A sloppy wet tongue licked the cold rain from their salty skin.

(y/n)'s heart dropped into their stomach. Words, clear as day, whispered through the bloody teeth. "I'm always watching."

They stepped back, only for a wall to slap against their back.

Instantly, (y/n) wasn't in on the streets but the floor of their apartment. Lumin's paws scratched at their thigh, barking wildly and alerting them to an oncoming panic attack.

Tears strolled down their cheeks as their body curled into themselves.

On the table, their phone continued to buzz. Yet, nothing but anxiety-filled their thoughts. Their hands shook, becoming numb to touch. Thoughts become so scattered that normal functioning is impossible. The sounds of thunder pounding through their skull.

Their breathing quickened, hands clamping over their ears to drown out the city noise and looming thunderstorm.

Lumin shuffled, only watching. He snuggled underneath their arms, licking their nose.

The text messages turned to phone calls. Lumin jumped down, sniffing the phone next to (y/n). Its bright colors and Lumin sniffing it called their attention to the phone. The name Hawks is at the top. They denied the call through their blurred tears, yet somehow, it was the accept button instead.

"Heyo, hello... Hello, are you there?"

They scrambled to get a hold of themselves. "Zaki r-residence..."

"I wanted to ask-Wait... are you crying?"

"... N-no." Although it was apparent by the panting and sniffles after every word. They find they can't lie to him. Their entire body shook, feeling numb in their face. Hawk's voice rang through the speaker, oddly calming a part of them down.

"Did something happen? I'm getting an odd feeling."

"I don't-don't know..."

"Take a deep breath ok. I'll be there in a bit."

Shakily, they breathed in and out. Yet, it didn't help. All their panic came rushing back twice as hard. "Stay where you are. I'll be there soon."

The feather around their neck twitched, bouncing against their chest. (y/n) gently held it between their fingertips, the vermilion color blurred with tears. They could only stare for what seemed like hours, tears running anew each time one thought strayed to another.

Soon, a little tap came from the sliding glass window. They didn't dare to glance up instead of waving from behind the safety of their wings.

The door slid open, letting in a cascade of rain and thunder. Chilled winds rushed through the opening just as Hawks closed the door.

"Hey. Kid. What's going on?"

"It's... It's too loud." Another crash of thunder reverberated over the apartment building, followed by a white streak.

(y/n)'s head lifted, dried tears on the salty skin, panic wrote clear as day on their face. Their hands clamped over their ears. They rocked back and forth, attempting to calm down no matter what it took.

Hawks knelt in front of them, holding out a hand. "Is it alright if I touch you?"

They studied him through the cracks of their wings, and he wore a simple black v-neck and a jacket. His headphones hung around his neck. They hummed and carefully worked the stiff wings open.

Hawks removed his headphones and slid them over their head. The roaring thunder suddenly came to a halt. Only silence rang in their head. He gently grabbed their shoulders, pulling their forehead against his.

"Hey, nevermind the thunder. I want you to focus. Focus on what you have in front of you right now."

He carefully pulled them into a hug, and they could only melt. His body warmed their cold skin, and calm breathing slowed their racing thoughts.

"I can help you through this, but I need you here in the present with me."

The male snatched the tiny puppy and gently placed him in their arms. Lumin propped up against their chest, licking (y/n)'s nose.

A smile crept up on their face as they shakily took a breath. Hawks stroked their messy (h/c) locks.

The sound of his voice forced away any runaway thoughts. All until their body felt weak, that they just melted into silence.

"So... Kid. What happened? I don't think you've panicked before. Or at least what happened two weeks ago."

They stroked Lumin's soft white fur. "I-I'm not sure." They glanced down, staring into their lap. "I was here for one minute, then seeing s-something in the middle of downtown try to attack me, then I was back here."

(y/n) felt his amber eyes scanning over their body, concealed by their favorite hood.

"Did this... Thing touch you at all?"

Their cold fingertips traced along their jawline, somehow feeling sore. "It grabbed my face."

"This is crazy, I was freaking out over a dream."

Hawks sighed, folding the vermilion wings back. "I don't think I was. I had something like that happen to me today too."

He glanced away, revealing scratches on his throat and cheek. Nothing that drew blood, but enough to damage his skin. "So, I was calling to make sure nothing happened here, but clearly, I was a bit late."

Their hand barely grazed it, but it still caught his attention. He looked back at them curiously.

"S-sorry. It's not my place... It's just, ever since you'd left two weeks ago, I've been nothing but nervous." They weren't lying. Ever since it felt as if someone was watching their every move; they felt nervous from sunrise to sunset, as if something terrible was right around the corner.

"Hm, it's alright Kid. I trusted you once with my life."

His hand gently tilted their head, revealing similar-looking scratches along their neck. Again, the amber honey eyes scanned their (s/t) skin.

"Well, you're hard not to trust. I can't really deny a guy who eats nothing but fried chicken." He slightly licked his lips at seeming just the thought of his favorite food.

"I hope you know I eat more than just fried chicken."

(y/n) softly giggled. "Oh like what?"

Hawks turned to the side before muttering, "Chicken nuggets."

"That's under the same category." They said between their fits of giggles.

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