(Pt.18) Keikoku

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-WARNING; suggestive content -

The light streamed through the windows, coating the room in blue-hued light. (y/n) awoke with warmth all around; it seeped into their body. Groggily, their arms reached up and tugged whatever was such a warm closer.

"Hey... Kid, you awake?"

They nuzzled his bare chest with slightly pink cheeks and slipped one of their legs among his own. There was a soft, faint heartbeat thudding in their ear.

There was a slight content hum coming from Keigo. Then, a free arm wrapped around their frame, shaking them awake. Both eyes pried open, hurting in the morning light.

"Are you going to sleep all day before releasing me?" 

(y/n) placed their chin on his bare chest and spoke softly. "Why would I do that? Those chains look so pretty around your wrists." Keigo wiggled his wrist, jiggling the chain around. With a free hand, he yanked on the collar around their neck, pulling them inches away from his face. 

"Don't threaten me with a good time, Keigo." They reached up and unlocked the set of handcuffs, keeping his arm above his head. Once his hand was free, they rested on the small of their back. 

"Oh, I can, and I will." 

They giggled, hopped off the bed, and pulled the oversized hero shirt down to cover everything. "Sure you will. I'll get breakfast ready. Do you want waff-" 

Just as they walked down the stairs, a stranger was sitting on the couch. Spikey black hair and dark scars. He had a hand resting over his eyes and a grim expression. "Are you two done?" 

"Hawks!" They scrambled up the stairs in an attempt for the stranger not to see anything. Instead, Keigo grabbed their waist and pulled them into his lap. Each wing wrapped around their body. Heat spread across their cheeks as they hid in Keigo's arms. 

"Dabi, what are you doing here? How did you know where I was?" Keigo asked. However, the disgust in his tone was evident. 

"Well, I was going to inform you of a little problem, but it seems you're.... busy."

Keigo grabbed their legs and back, standing to bring them back up the stairs. Immediately, he jumped off the balcony instead of walking down the steps.

"What do you think you're doing here?" He hissed. (y/n) slid some clothes on and attempted to calm down. Who was that? Why were they at the family's cabin?

"Whoa, Keigo. I'm gonna need you to calm the fuck down." Keigo snapped back in an angered tone.

"No! Tell me you didn't see anything! You can't just show up to places unannounced!"

They slid his jacket over their shoulders and joined in the conversation. "I would appreciate it if you explained what you're doing here."

Dabi grinned and leaned against the couch. "You're little cover has been busted. Every single hero corps is gonna be after you two. Even our shitty number one."

Keigo grabbed a feather and took a step in front of them. "Spit it out."

Dabi only sighed. "You're too slow sometimes birdbrain. Eh, little dove, search the news."

It was too late for that, they were already scrolling between numerous news pages. Each one held a fragmented headline.

The number two hero, Hawks, and a colleague are now charged with embezzlement and 3rd-degree murder on Ryuu Shen and Saki Shi.

"Do not call them that." Hawks hissed. Their heart sank into their stomach.

"Well, what do I call them birdbrain?" Dabi crossed his arms over his chest with a sly grin. 

"Just don't call them that." Keigo huffed.

They tossed the phone aside in annoyance. What in the hell were they going to do? With Saki's ability to trick massive amounts of people it'd be impossible to prove innocence. It was hard enough to think of an action plan when you're a non hero, but having a stranger and hero arguing isn't helping.

"Shut up! How in the hell do we fix this?"

"Calm down. We can -"

They cut Hawks off, slamming the phone onto the table.

"You calm down! How in the hell do we defend against video evidence of murder charges?" He flinched under their glare.

Dabi seemed to be the only one amused by this little problem. An uncomfortable grin stretched across his face, tugging on the burnt remains until it looked like it would snap.

"Well, decide on a route Toots."

"Better than Dove. Nicknames are my thing."

Dabi stood and pulled back one of the curtains for the window facing the rode.

"I'd hate to interrupt your lover's quarrel, but if you stay here arguing, a certain hot-headed hero is going to set the house ablaze."

Their hands ran frantically through their hair. They weren't heroes, and dying in a fire wouldn't be the way to go at all.

"Ok, ok. But what would we even do? We have no clue where Saki even is. Plus, what in the heck am I supposed to do? I'm not a hero."

Dabis' hands plunged into his jacket. "On 32nd Coral Avenue in the brand-new hospital." Both stared on in confusion. What? "There aren't even any people to hide behind. Just come. Better see ya hurt than dead. The pidgen wouldn't shut about it."

Hawks stood, shaking out his wings. With a slap on his cheeks, he looked mentally ready. "Eh, mainly because it's empty. (y/n)... we should get to her before he does. Otherwise, he might destroy what little evidence we have."

Their wings pressed against their back. The rough feathers dug into their skin, sending a shiver through their spine.

"Agreed. But I can't fly yet, and you can't carry two people." Hawks tapped his cheek in thought. It was far too quiet for their liking.

Dabi suddenly tapped on the window, pointing to several cars coming down the street.

"I've got my way to the location Toots."

Feeling the need to rush, they pushed Hawks up the steps. It would have been much better if he wasn't pushing against them. 

"Good. Grab your jacket, and let's go."

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