(pt. 3) Fluorescence

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He moved as if shot with a bullet. The large wings spread out only to curl against his back. Pain raced up and down his sides, contorting his face with pain.

Heavy eyes pried open, but he could only make out a purple haze. Its soothing colors flash between navy blue and lavender purple. Hawks tried to sit up, increasing the discomfort across his body. He bit harshly onto his lip to muffle a pained cry.

"Stop that. You're going to reopen those wounds."

He flinched at (y/n)'s soft voice. Her gentle hands pushed his form firmly against the bed as she probed his forehead with a wet rag. Hawks's lips curled slightly at the cool feeling of the rag against his overheated skin.

"Any sickness or anything?" She whispered.

Hawks stared up at the ceiling and bit his cheek.

"Just peachy, Kid."

The chilly object slid down the side of his face until it rested on the crook of his neck. He leaned into the rag, letting it soak up the increasing amount of sweat.

"Well, then, can you get the fuck out of my apartment then?"

The bed frame shifted, causing a jolt of white-hot pain to shoot up his leg, forcing his entire body to tense up.

"That's what I thought." The bed moved again, causing another jolt.

"And just so you know, my name isn't Kid; it's (y/n)."

"Oh really now, I haven't noticed." A small chuckle reduced him to a grimace.

"Shut up. You're lucky I didn't call the police when your ass was knocked out." (y/n)'s voice distanced, followed by a few sounds of glass clinking against porcelain.

"I see that y-you's taken a liking to me then." The gushing water sounds made Hawks take a long hard gulp.

"Quite full of yourself, aren't you?" (y/n) walked back into the room and dragged a chair across the wooden floors.

"Anyways, does this stranger have a name, or are you planning on keeping me in the dark forever?"

He turned away towards the skyline window. His hand clenched the black comforter as he refused to make eye contact with (y/n).

"I don't have one, Toots." He muttered after a long minute.

"No water for you then." (y/n) placed the glass just out of reach on the nightstand. "At least a name would be nice for someone sleeping in my bed."

He had a strong feeling that she was leaving. Reaching out, he grabbed the general spot where her fingers should have been. His hand grasped hers, almost yanking her into the bed with him.


She froze in her tracks before the tautness on her arm became slack.

"... Are you waiting for me to do the trick or something? Spit it out."

"... Hawks" He yelled out. "Hawks, my name is Hawks."

(y/n) took his wrist and put the glass in his hand.

Hawks's grip on her fingers gradually loosened when she moved a foot closer.

"Lumin, keep an eye on Hawks here. Make sure he doesn't mess with anything."

Lumin barked and settled at the foot of the bed.

"I'll be back in a bit. I don't want to change those bandages for a fifth time today."

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