(Pt. 12) Shattered

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WARNING; mentions of sexual abuse; if it triggers you, please skip to the ***


She slammed the phone down onto the desk, its cracking screen echoing through the small bedroom. Her nails clicked irritatingly against the counter as she sighed. Her hands ran roughly through her hair as she leaned back in the gaming chair.

"Damn it, why won't they just fucken listen?" The air hung thick with tension.

"I don't see an issue."

Her gaze filtered towards the doorway, spotting him leaning against the door. A dull sheen coated his grey eyes, black hair still wet. Nothing concealed his toned torso except for the towel around his shoulders.

"I do. It messes with everything." She sighed.

The male walked over to the couch and plopped himself down. She slowly got up and walked over to him, her hips swaying back and forth. A sultry smile pulled on her lips. Hands snaked around his wet shoulders.

He snatched her wrist, eyes flickering in the light. "Stop."

She giggled softly, sitting on his thigh. Dark strands fell over black irises, glimmering in the neon light. "Why would I do that? You like it, and you know it. Slut."

Her warm breath brushed against his ear while her hands trailed down his torso.

"Come on... Help relieve me, won't you?"

His hands unknowingly grabbed her hips, pulling her body flush against his. With a finger, she tilted his chin so he stared into her eyes. Her lips pressed against his, only to be met with no fight.

Her tongue glided over his lower lip, breathing words over the cold skin. "Indulge me, my good little boy?"

Now feathers long forgotten in unwanted moments. First, the two shining feathers sat on the table. Then, with the soft light of the room shining through the crystal feather, it splattered onto the vermilion one, turning it purple.



They dug around Hawks' apartment for a piece of paper. Sure it was late, but he was at work, so they had nothing better to do. Lumin followed as they dug around for paper. Although they want their reusable notebook back, regular writing and pen would have to do.

"Ah, here it is." Grabbing it from the drawer, they jotted down all the effects. From what they could dig up from their classes and just from how their abilities work. Although, (y/n) had no idea if Ryuu had any powers. He never showed any aggression before, so it was uncertain.

Lumin nudged their leg, now wanting their attention from being so deep in thought. Ditching the paper, They picked the pup up in their arms. Their fingers gently played with his fur as they drifted back into thought. (y/n) threw their head back, tired of thinking. "Gah! What does it matter anyway!" Just another person who wants to use them.

It was a feeling they were used to. Lumin jumped onto their chest, trying his best to knock them back. A small smile pulled on their lips.

"Thanks, bud." With Lumin still in their arms, They walked over to the bathroom to check on the progress of their wings. Still tucked within the folds of their outfit, they had to strip the shirt to fit them correctly. They were still too small for them to fly. Well, what did (y/n) expect after a week?

Sighing, they walked out and face-planted into the bed. Lumin hopped up onto the mattress and licked their cheek. They gave him a small pat on the head with a small smile. "Okay, okay, I'll get up."

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