Chapter Eleven The Devoted Father

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May 5th 2135

Colonel Hunter Padlock was in his apartment in the San-Francisco relief zone. It had been 15 years since he helped liberate the city and the F.P.A had liberated the whole State of California and the State of Oregon by doing exactly what He and Jess had done all those years ago. City councils had been set up by the F.P.A to govern each city and were enacting recovery efforts to provide their people with the essential supplies they needed. Urban farms were making the food everyone needed, but most people grew their own. As Colonel Padlock looked out the window he saw the city being rebuilt by hardworking people. Buildings had been repaired and kids were playing in the streets under the watchful eye of the New San-Francisco Police Service. It hadn't been safe for kids to play in the streets for over 3 decades, not since the war began. Colonel Padlock saw food distribution points and although he was 4 floors up he heard the food distributor say "Apples, get your apples and watermelons right here". There was a long line of people, being given 4 apples, 5 bananas and 2 watermelons each. Enough for a few days. There were propaganda posters encouraging people to join the Free People's Army and to "Beat back War-Net!" Or to "Take Back Our WORLD!" Colonel Padlock then heard his door open, he looked to see his wife Jessica, holding their 4 month old son in her arms. They hugged and she said "I wish you didn't have to go" as a tear ran down her face. Her devoted husband wiped it from her and said "This is for the greater good of humanity, too many have been killed by War-Net, I am doing this for him". He looked at his son and knew that even though his son could not yet speak, he did not want his father to leave him. Colonel Padlock took Hunter the 2nd in his arms and said to him "Don't worry son, I promise I'll be home one day". Jessica smiled and said "Please, come home safe" She kissed him as they exited the apartment and went down to the vehicle below. As they went down the apartment block, they saw apartments with families of 4 or 5 in them and N.S.F.P.S officers patrolling the building to sniff out criminals. They arrived in the reception area and saw a receptionists giving newly arrived residents their room keys. When they exited the building they saw the P.U.A vehicle on the road in front of them, with several soldiers surrounding it. One of them stepped forward and said "Are you ready to go sir?" Colonel Padlock nodded and said "I just need to say goodbye" He turned to his wife and child and said "Promise me you will take care of him while I'm gone". Jessica held back her tears and said "I promise". They kissed goodbye and Colonel Padlock kissed his son on the head and said to him "May we meet again". He then got in the Armoured car and waved goodbye. This was going to be very hard for him. The car drove of and he prayed to God that his family would be okay during this dark time. He felt great sadness that he might not be able to see his son at his first day of school, or his birthday parties, but knew that he was one day going to return to raise his child in this new world the People's United Army was creating. The driver then said to him "Colonel Padlock, we should reach the front lines in about 4 hours" Colonel Padlock took a deep breath in and said "Back to business then".

The computer built into the seat in front of Colonel Padlock then came online and Field Marshall Julie Myers appeared on the screen. She was now 45 years old and still leading the Free People's Army in this "War Of Annihilation". Julie was currently at the F.P.A's Central Tactical Command and was in a war room with her Generals, who were commanding her vast armies. "Field Marshall Myers Ma'am" said Colonel Padlock, as he saluted her. "At ease" said Field Marshall Myers, as she got up from her seat. She looked at him and said "Sorry that I couldn't give you more time of, but if we don't win this war, no one will have a family to go back to". "I know Ma'am" said Colonel Padlock. Field Marshall Myers then explained his assignment, she said "You are being sent to the Nevadan Liberation campaign, you will command 5 Infantry Regiments in the liberation of Nevada and push forward to War-Net central". Colonel Padlocks eyes widened, with shock raging through him, he said "War-Net Central?" "Yes, War-Net Central" said Field Marshall Myers, confirming what he had just said. Apparently the People's United Army was now launching a campaign to destroy War-Net, once and for all. Colonel Padlock processed what she had just said and proclaimed "Lets end this then"

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