Chapter Sixteen A Family Reunited

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March 2nd 2050

The crowd gazed at the memory displayer and were amazed. General Padlock had just revealed the end of the War of Annihilation and when they looked at him, they exploded into applaud! Applause was heard from all across the crowd and could be heard as far as Brand New York City. For minutes the cheering went on before the crowd cooled down and President Myers said "Well done General Padlock, you people overcame the odds and ended the War of Annihilation, for that, you people deserve some God Blessed medals". General Padlock blushed and said "Oh your too kind" and went on to say "Needless to explain, the people were overjoyed that the war was over, people celebrated that humanity was saved and War-Net was no more". Mary of course had experienced the most amazing day of her life! She was now going to go down in history, as the girl who was right next to her father, the President of the United States and the girl who was right there when an army of courageous warriors from a century in the future, came back in time to save the Human Species from extinction. Mary then remembered about General Padlocks family and asked "Did you go back to your family after that?" General Padlock smiled and said "Of course I did, I still remember the day like it was yesterday".

September 13th 2140

It had been three days since the War of Annihilation ended and the remaining Humans were in celebration! All across the world, people celebrated that after almost half a century, the War was over! All across California, over 6 million people were celebrating that the war was now dead and buried. In New San Francisco, fireworks lit up the night sky and people were celebrating in the streets. To mark this occasion, all rations had been doubled for 2 weeks and parades were being organised by the Free People's Army. five thousand soldiers of the F.P.A and 100 tanks were marching through the streets of San Francisco as jubilant crowds looked on, soldiers sat on top of the tanks and parents were placing their children, who had joy in their eyes, on their shoulders to get a better look at the patriotic freedom fighters who had saved Humanity from Annihilation. Bands were playing celebrational music and plans were in place to "light up the night sky", later that evening. Colonel Padlock however, was not in the mood for celebrations, He was in his personal car, on his way back to his dearly beloved Wife and Son. He turned through the streets that hadn't been closed of for the celebrations as fast as a street racer, escaping from the police. Finally he arrived at the apartment block he lived in and saw that it had changed quite a bit. A large garden had been built on top, to supply the residents with food, it was in much better condition, the walls had been repainted a beautiful blue, the cracked windows in the apartments had been restored and the words "Apartment block 34" had been painted above the front entrance.

As he walked towards the entrance, he remembered all the times he had spent with his wife and child, both of whom he had not seen for 5 years. When he entered the reception area, He saw soldiers, returning home to their families from the war. He saw many soldiers embracing their loved ones for the first time in a long time and wondered if he would see his wife among the crowd. That's when he saw something he never would've expected to see, an elevator, in an apartment block!? Colonel Padlock thought to himself "Man things really have changed". The elevator doors then flew open and Colonel Padlock saw a woman, holding the hand of a boy who was about five years old. He then saw the woman's black hair and green was Jessica. They both dashed into one another's embrace as Colonel Padlock proclaimed "My Love!" They both burst into tears after being reunified with each other. With tears flooding out of her eyes, Jessica and said "I have missed you, so much!" Colonel Padlock wiped a tear from his eye and said "So have I". They then proceeded to kiss one another, after years apart from each other. The boy who was with Jessica, then came forward and asked "Mom, who is this?" Colonel Padlock processed what the boy, who had his eyes, voice and hair just said. Colonel Padlock then realised, the boy was his son. Jessica looked at their son and said "This is your Dad". Colonel Padlock stepped over and hugged his son. Through tears, Colonel Padlock said "So many years, wasted, Ill make it up to you son, I promise". A very important piece of Colonel Padlocks life, was restored to him that day, for that piece was his parenthood, he had treasured every moment his had with his son when he was on leave and he would do so again. Only this time, He didn't have to worry about returning to the waste of time that is war. Jessica proceeded to hug her husband and son and the whole family formed what is called, a family sandwich.

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