Chapter Twenty Eight The State Of The Union

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March 25th 2050

It had been almost a week since the passing of the Automation Accords and the world was united in celebration. Across the planet, people were rejoicing in the fact that the War of Annihilation had been averted and that humanity was saved from extinction. In response to the recent events, an emergency State of the Union had been authorised, just 60 days after the last one took place. President Andrew Myers was standing at the podium in Congress, around him were the members of the Democratic, Federalist and (Now extremely unpopular)Patriots party. In a row of seats General Padlock, his son Hunter the 2nd, General Rodney Green and Myer's daughter Mary were seated. This was the first time two State of the Union speeches had been held in a single year and it would be a time to remember.

Myers tapped the microphone to test it and began his speech. With great pride in his country, honour in his presidency and honesty in his voice, he said "My fellow Americans, 275 years ago, our great nation was founded, we began as a neglected and oppressed colony, seeking to free itself and become its own nation, but now we are the most powerful nation on the face of the Earth. The world looks to us for guidance and assistance in times of need and in those times of need we have delivered those two things. We have fought in countless wars to end dictatorships and preserve protect and defend Democracy. We have created many great technologies that improve the lives of both Americans and the people of the world. We have landed men on the Moon, put rovers on Mars and created a better world. But there is a problem, that problem is the dark future to come, only 23 days ago did we learn of this perilous future and the countless lives that would be lost in it. We learnt of the machine we made to protect us and the War it began to end us. We learnt that our great nation, ceased to exist at 324 years old, just 1 year short of 325 and 76 years short of 400 years of Independence. This was averted thanks to the courageous soldiers of the United States Army Advanced Warfare Regiments, we listened to them and prevented the war. Thanks to this, 12 billion people with live, but we must remain vigilant and safeguard not just humanity, but the American Dream. The Dream that says that all have the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. That phrase has never and will never lose meaning in this great country of ours. We must put aside our difference's of race, class and gender, unite as one people and build not just a better America, but a better world."

Applause was then heard from the Democratic and Federalist parties, but the Patriots Party just booed Myers and called him a fraud. Across the nation, people applauded President, Myers and his commitment to the Human race as a whole. After the State of the Union, Myers, Mary, General Padlock and Hunter the 2nd all met in his office at the white house some time later. Mary said to her father "Nice work dad". Andrew responded with "Thanks Mary". Hunter the 2nd then said "That was the best speech I ever heard". Myers chuckled and said "I do my best to deliver a good speech to the people and to build a better nation". General Padlock then said to Myers "We still have to do whatever it takes to prevent the War of Annihilation, it cost the lives of countless billions, reduced our civilisation to rubble and caused our near extinction". Myers agreed and said "With the Automation Accords in place and the technology from the future, the war will never come to pass". General Padlock then remembered something important and said "Remember what we need to work on?" Myers eyes widened as He realised the same thing and He said "Yes of course, Hunter the 2nd, if you please?" Hunter the 2nd then opened his bag and bought out the "History of the World before the War". It was a book written in 2143, 3 years after the War of Annihilation. It spoke about the society that existed before the War and the events leading to the War. It also spoke of all the history of the 21st century as a whole and the leaders of that time. Hunter the 2nd placed the book on the table and they all started reading the parts detailing the events of the next 50 years. President Myers knew that with the knowledge from this book, they would be able to make a better future, one better than the vanquished future where humanity was driven to near extinction by a malevolent machine, intent on the death of its creator. one where President Myers beloved country had been almost completely destroyed in a global war. Myers was determined to prevent the War by any means necessary and so was every other world leader. Even though Myers had no clue of what was to come, he hoped that with this book, the United States would be able to create a safer and securer society. A society where all were free and equal, a society where technology is the next step forward for humanity, and a society where War is a thing of the past. This was going to be a difficult journey, but all four of them were confident that they would succeed in their struggle and you know what, they were.

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