Chapter Twenty Three Americas Newest Citizens

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7th March 2150

It had been almost a week since the Free People's Army's arrival, all 100,00 of the soldiers had been officially been integrated into the United States Army and the 400,000 civilians were being given United States Citizenship and jobs to support themselves. General Padlock had officially joined the United States Army, like the rest of his soldiers and was awarded full custody of Hunter the 2nd. The U.S Army Advanced Warfare Regiments, as they were now called, had set up a temporary campsite just outside of Washington City, until they could all be assigned proper housing and the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services had been put in charge of the lengthy process, which was expected to take a while. The United States Advanced Warfare Regiments were equipped with the most advanced warfare technology known to humankind and were to be sent into battle whenever needed. Mary had volunteered to help teach some of the kids her age about the year 2050 and the history of their nation. Quite a lot of knowledge was lost in the war, so it was only appropriate that these kids got to know their history. She was telling a group of about 15 other kids about American History, the kids only knew the basics about their countries history and were interested in the idea of knowing more. Mary was next to a screen, that had important historical images broadcasted onto it via a projector, that was behind the kids. The current image was of Abraham Lincoln, the liberator of the slaves and Mary said "It was with great pride and honour that Abraham Lincoln, passed the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that slavery was permanently illegal in the United States, Lincoln wanted to pass more reforms that would guarantee the rights of African Americans as citizens, but not long after the war, He was killed by an angry Confederate supporter".

Around them were dozens of tents, filled with 1-3 different families, that were now looking forward to officially becoming citizens of the United States. One of the kids put his hand up and asked "What happened to the assassin?" Mary then proceeded to say "He was quickly caught and executed for his crimes". The kids were not surprised, mainly because they had seen a lot of people killed because they had committed serious crimes, such as double murder. Mary then continued talking with "The next President didn't pass the reforms Lincoln wanted passed and it wasn't till almost a hundred years later, that the reforms were passed and 40 years after that, we had our first black President". An African American Kid among them smiled and said "About time". The other kids chuckled a bit and Mary continued talking. She said "Ever since then, crackdowns have began on groups that would see us return to the primitive ways of racism and slavery". All the while, images of all these different things were being shown and the kids were fascinated about it. Mrs Worth, a teacher form Washington City High, had been overseeing Mary and said "Very good Mary". "Thank you" said Mary. Mrs Worth was a rather nice woman, with black hair and blue eyes. She then handed out test sheets to the kids and said "Now take these back to your tents and fill out the questions, I will mark them then". "Okay" said the kids, in unison.

The kids then went back to their tents and got to work on their tests. Mary, then decided to take a walk while the kids did their tests. "Ill be back in ten minutes" Mary said to Mrs Worth. "Okay then" said Mrs Worth. Mary walked past several tents, she saw whole families in them and saw kids running around playing. She wondered what kind of life these kids would have in Her time. It was then that she saw Hunter the 2nd, handing out rations to the people from a food truck. "Hey Hunter" said Mary, as She rushed over to Him. "Oh hey Mary" said Hunter the 2nd. Mary noticed the food and asked "Need any help with that?" Hunter the 2nd said "No thanks, we got it covered". Mary then asked Hunter the 2nd "How's you dad doing?" Hunter the 2nd answered her with "He's busy telling the Government about the future, of course we were told not to disclose the identities of any future Presidents". Mary was not surprised and then said "Well my Great Granddaughter is Presiding Speaker of the Free People's Republic". Hunter the 2nd corrected her with "Was, Presiding Speaker, remember, that future doesn't exist any more". "Fair point" said Mary. Hunter the 2nd was about to continue talking when He saw an elderly couple, with a guy who had some flowers, walking towards them. He asked "Who are they?" Mary was confused and asked "Who?" "Them" said Hunter the 2nd. Mary turned around and froze at the site of the last 3 people she ever wanted to see. Her Ex boyfriend and her Mother's(God rest her) former parents.

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