Chapter Six The Free People's Army

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March 15th 2120

Hunter stared at Julie Myers with awe and wonder. This woman had just saved his life and was going to teach him how to survive in this world. He then realised that this was the "Julie" his mother had told him to find. Julie got down from the destroyed War Eagle, placed her hand on Hunter's shoulder and asked "What's your name?". A bit nervously Hunter said "H-Hunter". Julie smiled and said "Welcome aboard Hunter". She patted his shoulder and said to the soldiers "Alright, lets get back to the People's Fortress and make plans for the mission". The soldiers agreed and they all entered hidden tunnel entrances throughout the streets. They were manhole covers and hidden floor doors. The soldiers all started to creep into them while Hunter went through one with Julie that was disguised as a burnt out car. A soldier opened the hood and there were four pistons inside. 10 other soldiers kept overwatch to ensure no War Robots could see the entrance. Julie pushed the first one, then the fourth, then the second and finally the third. The car then started to move backwards abruptly and a stair case was revealed to be underneath it. "Come on fellas" said Julie. They all went down the stair case, Hunter included. When they finally got into it, the car began to go forwards and once again covered up the hidden entrance. Julie led Hunter and her fellow soldiers through the old sewer tunnels to the People's Fortress.

As they went through they saw the skeletons of those unfortunate souls who sadly did not survive the war. They saw destroyed War Robots as they went through the tunnels. Julie knelt down to one of them and said to Hunter "Even though this place is our territory War Corpses are crawling all over it, so watch out and make this noise if you see one". She then mimicked the sound of an Owl, that almost sounded like the real thing. As they continued walking Julie, as if she were a teacher, said to Hunter "Ya see, War Corpses are War-Nets frontline soldiers, we call them that because they look like skeletons, but they're just soulless machines made of metal and wield plasma guns that can kill a person in just a few shots if they're not armoured enough". Hunter listened well to this and when he saw the remains of a dead soldier he asked Julie "Will that armour do?" Julie looked at the remains of the soldier and said "Yes, but it will need repair". 2 soldiers picked up the remains of the soldier whose dog tags had the name "Sergeant Joseph North", to give him a proper funeral back at the People's Fortress. Hunter then asked "How do you think he died?" Julie checked the clip in the gun next to him and noticed that half of its bullets were gone. That meant only one thing: Sergeant North had shot down the War Corpse they passed earlier and possibly died of blood loss.

They kept on going and after about 10 minutes, were halfway to the People's Fortress. They were walking through the sewer water when they heard the sound of an owl. That meant only one thing....War Corpses. Julie signalled with her hand for the troops to hide behind the pile of destroyed War Corpses that could only be salvaged for spare parts. Hunter hid behind one as well with Julie and 4 other soldiers. The other 6 hid behind another pile that like the previous, was up against a wall. After just 20 seconds they heard the sound of clamping feet and mechanical parts. The War Corpses had come. They passed through the gap between the piles and failed to notice Hunter and the soldiers. All three were walking in a straight line and when they were 20 feet away Julie took out her plasma shotgun and shot the War Corpse at the back! It fell over instantly as its right leg was torn of. Julie cocked her gun and shot the other, blowing its right arm of. One of the soldiers then used his Plasma Rifle to blow the machines head of. Then suddenly, another shot came towards the third from behind Julie. The shot disoriented the machine long enough for Julie to shoot it again. She turned around to see Hunter had shot it! She smiled and said "Not bad". Hunter nodded. Julie then stared down at the War Corpse whose leg she had shot of and took its plasma gun. She aimed it at the War Corpse and said the Free People's Army's motto "The People come first". A plasma blast then came from the gun, destroying the War Corpse instantly. She then said to the soldiers "Back on track then".

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