Chapter Ten The Hero From Another Time

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March 2nd 2050

The entire world was amazed, in the year 2120, General Padlock and Jessica Carter made history by saving San Francisco. The crowd looked at him and then exploded into applause. People said things like "Nice work General!" and "Good thing War-Nets Wi-Fi warranty expired!" President Myers congratulated him, saying "You are a goddamn hero". General Padlock then replied with "Well it was a war and we won". General Greene then remembered this Colonel Greene from the memory displayer and asked "Am I related to this Colonel Greene fella?" Hunter the 2nd said "Your Great Grandson". General Greene's eyes widened, his Great Grandson had fought in one of the worst wars known to humankind? He was amazed and proud of his yet to be born Great Grandson. He then chuckled and said "Ya know General Padlock my family has this very weird tradition". General Padlock then asked "What is it?" General Greene sighed and said "In every single American War, at least one member of my family has fought.....and died". Mary Myers was shocked and said "Whoa". General Padlock then said "My family didn't really keep track of veterans, so I'll have to do a DNA test". President Myers then asked "Where's Jessica by the way?" A sad look came on General Padlocks face as he said "Sadly she died of Cancer 2 years ago". "I'm sorry for your loss" said General Greene. Hunter the 2nd then revealed that Jessica was his mother and General Padlock her husband. President Myers was a bit stunned and asked "So when did you and her start dating?" General Padlock smiled and said "Not long after the liberation of San Francisco, we started dating and both joined the F.P.A when we came of age. When we were 28, we finally married and our wedding was small and private by the way". Mary smiled and said "That's nice, not every wedding has to be a big massive spectacle". Lana Valine then said "I know my parents was" and laughed a bit. General Padlock then said "Two years later, Hunter the 2nd appeared in our lives and I took a few months of to spend some more time with him before our next campaign" President Myers then said "I would've done the same thing with my daughter". General Padlock then sadly said "Unfortunately the War came calling and I was back on the front lines again". Hunter the 2nd then said "I didn't see Dad again until after the war". Vice President Roan said with sadness in his voice "That's a shame". General Padlock agreed and explained what happened after San Francisco was made Machine Free.

"After San Francisco was liberated we rebuilt it and made it a safe haven for survivors. It was renamed New San Francisco not long after liberation. By 2125 it was self sufficient and had a population of 3 million survivors. It was in that year that we began the liberation campaign, thanks to our tactics and technology we liberated all of California by doing what we did in San Francisco, other groups did the same and by 2139, we had found War-Nets Headquarters. Thanks to the F.P.A we had a semi stable economy, an army and the bare necessities. We also had factories producing all the weapons and War-Vehicles we could ask for, but we couldn't break through to War-Nets central". "War-Net Central?" asked Mary. General Padlock looked at her and said "It was the headquarters for War-Net and had over 100,000 War-Robots". He then looked at the camera and said "But even with California under our control, a population of 6 million survivors and an army of 600,000 soldiers, we could not possibly break through the defences". A concerned look came on President Myers face as he asked "So what did you do?" Hunter the 2nd then said "We nuked it". President Myers gasped and said "You what!?" General Padlock sighed and said "We used one of the last nukes to destroy War-Net Central and then defeat War-Net". The crowd was shocked beyond belief that they used the same thing that almost destroyed humanity. President Myers then asked "Last nuke in the nation?" General Padlock corrected him "The world". He was shocked and said "I did want to get rid of the nukes but this!" General Padlock then said "If it makes ya feel any better, we made a ban on Atomic weaponry". Andrew Myers let out a sigh of relief and said "Thank heavens". General Padlock then said "Of course I will never forget the day I had to leave to continue the fight". He then activated the memory device and the memories began to appear.

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