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Shuichi POV:

Monokuma called us to the gym. Heaven knows why. I sigh. Everyone was gathered into the the gym. Well, everyone that was left. Miu, Kiibo, Kaito, Maki, Kokichi(who was saying Robophopic stuff to Kiibo, Himiko, Gonta, and me.

"I bet your wondering what's up?" Monokuma asked. 

"Get strait to the point." Kokichi complained. Typical. Everyone glared at Kokichi. 

"Well. We got a new motive!" Monokuma said excitedly. Everyone groaned except Kokichi. He looked rather excited by this. 

"Ohhh! Sounds fun!" Kokichi exclaimed. 

"That's the spirit kid! Now! Shuichi Saihara!" Monokuma exclaimed. All eyes fell on me. 

"Y-yes?" I stutter. Ugh, I hate this stutter! 

"Great luck! You are chosen for the motive! Please come here!" He says. The ground trembles as a metal box looking thing came inside the gym from the ground. I nervously step up. 

"W-what's t-this?" I ask. 

"Your just going to get your memories back! Don't you worry!" He says. 

"This might be a good thing Shuichi! Maybe it'll help solve more cases!" Maki exclaimed. The others nodded but Kokichi looked bored. Monokuma put me in the box and all I remember is a flash of light. I step out of the box. Why was I in this box? I thought. All eyes were on me. Except... Kokichi. I see the purple haired boy and I smiled. I walked toward him. The people staring at me looked confused as I hugged Kokichi.

"H-huh?!" Kokichi yelped in surprise. 

"Hey 'Kichi~" I said to him. He looked taken aback. He quickly got out of my arms.

"Who are you and what have you done to Shuichi~Chan!" He exclaimed. Chan? Chan?! 

"I'm Shuichi. Come on. What's with you? Your acting like a totally different person!" I sighed. What's with him. I feel a tap on my shoulder. 

"Yo sidekick. What's wrong?" A tall purple haired dude asked. Kaito. I feel anger boil on me.

"The hell did you do to my beloved Kokichi?!" I yell at him. He backs up a little.

"Beloved?!" Everyone, including Kokichi asked.

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now