All Chained Up

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(option 1 again!)

Kokichi POV (Simpichi Saihorny forced Kokichi into the outfit thats in the picture):

I woke up to some blinding light. I try to rub my head but I realize I'm chained to the bed. I see Shuichi~Chan staring at me. He was lying right next to me. I was scared. Really scared. I tried screaming for help but there was a cloth keeping my mouth shut. I'm scared, I'm scared,  I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared, someone-anyone! Please save me!

"Morning sleepyhead~" he whispers in my ear. I start to cry, Shuichi~Chan's eyes widen. 

"M-mmph......" I try to say something but I can't. He wipes away my tears. 

"Awwww, don't cry. But your face filled with despair, I do oh so love it~" he says.


1) Somebody crosses Shuichi's door and sees/hears what's happening

2) Shuichi leaves him there and goes to breakfast

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now