Pillow fort

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(Option 2!!!)

Kokichi POV:

Shuichi gave me a hug. I hesitantly hugged him back and buried my face into his chest. 

"Hey. Wanna set up a pillow fort and have movie night?" he asked me. I pulled away from him quickly.

"Yes!" I pratically shout. It's been forever since I've done this! We made a huge pillow fort and he extended my chain so I could sit in the fort. He made spaghetti, popcorn, got ice cream, and turned off the lights. We laid down in the fort and turned on a horror movie. The movie was called IT. I hate clowns. They creep me out. This movie worsened my fears. So next we turned on a romance movie. We ate and watched the movies. I felt sleepy so just this once, I laid my head on Shuichi and fell asleep.

Shuichi POV:

Kokichi's asleep. She's adorable! I turned off the movie and cuddled with her. I soon fell asleep.


1) Kokichi wakes up first

2) Shuichi wakes up first 

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now