All Locked up

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(Option 2!!)

Shuichi POV:

With struggle, I 'tied' her to the chair. Now she can't move at all! Perfect! She struggled to at least get her hands up, but could not do it. She glared at me, ouch that hurts coming from her.

"Let me go!" she yelled. I pretended like I was thinking.

"No! I shall not let you go!" I said. She tried to kick me but remembered her legs were strapped to. 

"*sigh* Will you PLEASE let me go?" she tried again. I shook my head and put her face in my hands. God she's adorable! 

"Uh, Shuichi? Your nose is bleeding..." she said to me. I snap back into reality and wipe my nose.

"Thank you dear~" I said. She looked disgusted at me. 

"You know what?" she asked.

"What?" I asked back. The feeling in my stomach grew, like something I didn't want to hear was about to come up. Which it did.

"I'm breaking up with you." she said to me. The anger rose inside me and, without thinking, I slapped her. Realizing what I did, I kinda panicked. 

"O-oh my! I'm so sorry love! But please take back what you said!" I said, clearly panicked. I sat down and put my head on her lap.

"That just makes me want to stay as your ex." she said. I was infuriated. I grabbed a...


1) Saihara grabs a liquified sleeping drug

2) A baseball bat

3) A drug that makes anyone fall in love with the first person they see

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now