Fake Death

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(Option 2!!)

Tsumugi POV:

People are getting onto me! What should I do?! Ah right, calm down and think. I breathed in and out. What would Junko do- BINGO! She faked her death! I just gotta do the same thing! But since this is virtual reality, I can just use a fake body. I grab a fake me, it obviously has blood in it to pass off as me, and dragged it to Himiko's Ultimate Lab. I use one of her swords and pierced it fatally. I got one of her clips and put it on the floor. She was sleeping right now so that's good for me. I then run off to my secret door and go through it, making sure no one saw me. There. I ran to where Kokichi and Shuichi were. I burst in the door, Shuichi was taking pictures of a sleeping Kokichi.


1) Shuichi is pissed Tsumugi interrupted him

2) Shuichi doesn't care and talks to Tsumugi

I'm listening to 'Touch You' right now- I'm a terrible person XD

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now