Trying to escape

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Kokichi POV:

I see him walk out of the room. I waited for a few minuets before I decided to move. Good thing I always keep hairpins on me. I struggled to get them but succeeded. I unlock the chains and run out of the room. What's gonna happen to me? Thoughts raced through my mind, until I bumped INTO Shuichi. Ah, shit. I'm fucked. Possibly literarily. He smiled.

"Awwww.... your so cute." He said. I was sweating. I try to say something but I black out. 


1) Shuichi ties her back to the bed in his room

2) Shuichi ties her to a chair that's in his room

Pregame Shuichi x Ingame Fem! KokichiWhere stories live. Discover now